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Black box still not found
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it took almost two years for them to find the blackbox for the air france 447 crash

my guess either the blackbox was destroyed upon impact (not likely) or what would be much more suspicious would be if they discovered that the recorded was stopped prior to the flight... (which in past has actually happened before)


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It's politics man, that's all there is to this. Duterte has been seen, viewed, and attack as nothing more than a front man for China due to the stance he took upon entering the presidency. Most notably, when he set aside the ruling of the tribunal who ruled in favor of the Philippines regarding the issue of the South China Sea against China. Plus, he's made to what many in the pro-American camps in the Philippines (they are substantial) a public statement addressing his country, the annual state of the nation address (SONA) stating bluntly that when it comes to China dispute, he's essentially neutered because the Philippines is simply not a match against China's military plain and simple. That statement caused a huge uproar amongst the Zelensky types in the Philippines, calling Duterte a traitor, a coward etc.

The American visiting forces agreement (VFA) was an American Trojan horse, a back channel for them to gain a foot hold into their once and always favorite colonial outpost. They, the Americans used the excuse of the War on terror (WOT) to once again stationed their troops back into the Philippines during then Pres.Macapagal-Arroyo's administration to be strengthened by the late Pres. Benigno Aquino Jr. administration. The same administration that filed their case at the International Tribunal heavily pushed, funded by the U.S. back in 2012.

Back to the current political landscape and under Duterte's tenure. He has tried to pivot the Philippines away from the clutches of their colonial master but let's not kid ourselves, and even @ansy1968 must acknowledge the fact that America ain't just going to let go of what it's deemed it's property for nothing, and without a fight. Duterte, as popular as he is also understands that just like any political leader he must take into consideration the overwhelming sentiment of his people, and sorry to disappoint people on this forum, China is seen as an aggressor; an expansionist country hell bent on invading the Philippines (a stupid and very idiotic perception) and with the upcoming general election in May, Duterte needs to make this kind of statement to neuter the growing chatter amongst the political enemies, Zelensky types a.k.a. Lennie Robredo, Manny Pacquiao, Isko Moreno, Panfilo Lacson (an American trained former military officer) virtually the whole lot that the leading candidate, which is Bong Bong Marcos widely seen as the torch bearer of Duterte and is also the running mate of Duterte's daughter, Sara Duterte-Carpio.

Above all else, Duterte is always first, and foremost a fervent Filipino nationalist. He's not pro-China because he loves China, he made some pro-China comments to gain some concessions from the colonial master a.k.a. U.S.A. because in his views, the Philippines has long been ignored, and paid lip service by the Americans wether from development aid, infrastructure projects, military equipment donations or procurements. Afghanistan was getting more top notch equipment from the U.S. compared to what is supposed to be one of the most important key strategic areas in the Asia-Pacific (part of the Indo-Pacific strategy) along with Australia, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, Singapore.
@Bellum_Romanum bro he is just stating the obvious, we're an occupied country (an American estate) especially regarding our economy. Even he with broad power of the Presidency can't move the recalcitrant gov't bureaucracy and Institution to tow his Nationalist agenda. That is how pervasive the American hold on us and I blame Noynoy Aquino and both his parents who sold us down the river. IF there is a conflict in Taiwan we will be drag, our location is ideal like Trump once mention A Prime Real estate in Asia. Duterte want to remind the population and the politician about our history and Why the Japanese invade us in WW2. It's because of the American and their presence here.

If BBM wins this election and Duterte Daughter in the next election cycle then there is chance to reform the bureaucracy, six years is not enough to end a century of American influence BUT Duterte had done his job of reawakening the national spirit and hopefully we as citizen will vote wisely to ensure his legacy.


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Republicans live in another planet
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Deagel predictions for USD GDP in 2025 now make sense

“We will gradually end all imports from Communist China until a new regime honours basic human rights and freedoms.”

Also I noticed he is basically calling for regime change in China... he still wants China as cheap/free labor.... but that's not happening anymore under Xi/CCP