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Massive kudos to the Chinese Ambassador in the US for going to hostile western media to speak about Ukraine-Russia-China

He is smart but i have one criticism though, he needs to improve his English. As an Ambassador he should be much better at speaking English
His English is fine man. His job isn't merely to debate these nincoompoops especially on western media but to be an effective "ambassador" to any country he's stationed at. The current Ambassador I believe was a high ranking official prior to this current appointment so he knows the whole dynamic of the Sino-U.S. relations.

Second point, regardless of your ability to speak "polish english" debating with western media crack heads who relish on gotcha moments -- ask Trump, Biden, Hillary, Bill Clinton-- isn't going to matter one bit without resorting to rude tactics by cutting off your western interrogators (not journalist) which would then make you look like the aggressor that you are furthering the rhetorical perception of Chinese Wolf Warrior nonsense.

Jingle Bells

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His English is fine man. His job isn't merely to debate these nincoompoops especially on western media but to be an effective "ambassador" to any country he's stationed at. The current Ambassador I believe was a high ranking official prior to this current appointment so he knows the whole dynamic of the Sino-U.S. relations.

Second point, regardless of your ability to speak "polish english" debating with western media crack heads who relish on gotcha moments -- ask Trump, Biden, Hillary, Bill Clinton-- isn't going to matter one bit without resorting to rude tactics by cutting off your western interrogators (not journalist) which would then make you look like the aggressor that you are furthering the rhetorical perception of Chinese Wolf Warrior nonsense.
It's funny how Qin Gang is literally not really engaging with her rhetoric, but just say what he needed to say as a diplomat.

Jingle Bells

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At 0:33 he almost gave her a "too young, too simple, sometimes naïve" moment. Of course the propaganda host there didnt notice anything haha
No, he is not at Jiang Ze Ming's level yet. Jiang Ze Ming is a meme icon.
Qin Gang here is more like a husband that is way too used to his wife's hysteric tantrum, instead of get sucked into her train-of-thoughts, he just back aside and say what he needed to say: stating facts.

One of the most important quality of a good diplomat is that you need to have a very very very very strong head, and NEVER EVER get led into someone else rhetoric and train of thoughts. NEVER getting goaded or provoked into a emotional/heated state of mind, that is the first thing about being a qualified diplomat in the Chinese tradition.


Registered Member
Congrats to Zhou + China

P10 @ Bharain. Points in his F1 debut

Chinese driver Guanyu Zhou to make Formula 1 practice debut with Alpine in  Austria | Formula 1
Zhou had a great race today. Not a good start but his racecraft was really good, clean, and aggressive. Also +1 for not causing any incidents for his first F1 race

It was almost like watching a mature driver there not a young rookie. I am a big fan of him, waiting for the next race now


Registered Member
One of the most important quality of a good diplomat is that you need to have a very very very very strong head, and NEVER EVER get led into someone else rhetoric and train of thoughts. NEVER getting goaded or provoked into a emotional/heated state of mind, that is the first thing about
Yeah you can see that in this video as well. The propaganda host was trying to rile him up with US propaganda and emotional stories, but he nevertheless remained stable and just communicated China's stance clearly

"But Putin has 100 000 troops in Ukraine, do something China!!" lol

Rettam Stacf

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China is winning quite a lot. EU is sinking quite a lot. Today is a good day

"CHART OF THE DAY: Steel prices in Europe have surged to a fresh all-time high, with bechmark hot rolled coil trading above €1,400 per tonne. Alongside the surge in fertiliser prices, this is another corner of the commodity market few are paying enough attention, but will bite"
View attachment 85598
One indicator of how bad EU's economy is will be the upcoming summit between EU and China on April 1st. If EU proceeds with it, it means they are hurting pretty bad.

But if EU cancels it, they can probably tolerate more economic pain before requesting the meeting to resume. Lithuania has already requested the cancellation of the summit a few days ago.

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Junior Member
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Massive kudos to the Chinese Ambassador in the US for going to hostile western media to speak about Ukraine-Russia-China

He is smart but i have one criticism though, he needs to improve his English. As an Ambassador he should be much better at speaking English
the thing with democracy is that it produces people good at arguing. The problem with arguing is it tend to get stuck on small things and scoring points. I'd rather China has many strategic thinkers and people who can only win battle of the tongue.

Anyway, Qin could say "Has your president condemned the war? The world's only super power has condemned the war. did it make any difference? No. In fact the entire western world has done that and made no difference. To suggest China has more influence than the entire western world is, well, news to me." then he can make points about the background of NATO expansion.

Overall, it's tough to do this kind of point scoring with an uninformed audience without extensive practice, and obviously in a second language.