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I have the feeling that Mark Zuckerberg is an alien with a human skin.



:oops: :oops:


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hmm weird. I just tried with US VPN didn't work in chrome. Then I tried with firefox and everything works, even in Canada without VPN. Maybe their new DDOS guard doesn't like chrome.
Just try various browsers to access the sensitive sites, do not only rely on Google's Chrome which I think is the worst choice since the Alphabet is at the forefront of the "censoring war". Try Opera; Brave; and other smaller player browsers (there are several, don't remember the names); may also try with the CIA's TOR browser (available in portable version), see how good it bypass the blockade on the Russian sites :) LOL

Also a bit strange that I can access
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using OPERA, also TOR, but fail on Google's Chrome / Microsoft Bing / Brave... have not tried with others incl. Firefox.
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The US and Europe are doing Putin a huge favor, with current sweeping sanctions giving him the ability to separate Russia from its economic association with the West without the politically fatal consequences of being seen to do this on his own volition.

The Great Decoupling: How Western Sanctions Are Pushing Moscow East | Energy Intelligence
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Underlying argument is China should not be a high tech nation.
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The biggest irony is that the fear of U.S. sanctions and export controls is what fueling the Chinese tech drive. For the first time in almost two decades of government warnings Chinese companies are starting to look inwards to protect their supply chains and investment from irrational hawkish politicians.


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Director of Marvel's mega block buster movie, the Black Panther showing on this video of his recent arrest. His crime: trying to withdraw his "own money discreetly" that was reason enough for the teller to get paranoid assuming that he (RyanCoogler) was trying to rob the bank for $12,000.00 of his own money. So instead of verifying his credentials, along with the I.D. issued she instead, like a good paranoid American that she is, called the cops. And knowing how amazing American cops are, excitedly drew their weapons up, cocked their guns even though the subject/victim and accused robber was facing away from the cops and is visibly unarmed. Imagine if he reacted in anger? He would have been shot dead. For what? Withdrawing his own money. All of this happened in one of the most blackest city in America, Atlanta, Georgia.

This episode just goes to show how sick and mentally paranoid the American society has become. Yet, their answer to their issues is just more guns, and more freedom. Crazy ass mother poopers.

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Aus senator didnt forget to whip up anti China paranoia even during this time. Either that or he has gone full retard.

Never mind. Reading further down the article he was addressing the Henry Jackson think tank. Think Robert barwick mentioned this is a fanatical neo conservative organization.
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Registered Member
Director of Marvel's mega block buster movie, the Black Panther showing on this video of his recent arrest. His crime: trying to withdraw his "own money discreetly" that was reason enough for the teller to get paranoid assuming that he (RyanCoogler) was trying to rob the bank for $12,000.00 of his own money. So instead of verifying his credentials, along with the I.D. issued she instead, like a good paranoid American that she is, called the cops. And knowing how amazing American cops are, excitedly drew their weapons up, cocked their guns even though the subject/victim and accused robber was facing away from the cops and is visibly unarmed. Imagine if he reacted in anger? He would have been shot dead. For what? Withdrawing his own money. All of this happened in one of the most blackest city in America, Atlanta, Georgia.

This episode just goes to show how sick and mentally paranoid the American society has become. Yet, their answer to their issues is just more guns, and more freedom. Crazy ass mother poopers.

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And they can't freaking cry "RACISM" when it's their own ethnic brethren (sister) who called the cops on the director. The question that needs to be asked is why? Plain simple answer: ROBBERY, CRIME are high in Altalanta and they are being committed unfortunately by their fellow brethren. So the issue just loops over and over and until they actually address the underlying issues that severely affects their country then all their cures can only be found in their make believe reality they call Marvel Movies.
