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It seems every nation that Anglos don't like all look the same. Now all Russians look the same just like the Chinese!
Whats the problem in looking same? They are of same country, unlike,you know what nation ,has more "interesting" process. Specially their likeness to "share" everything. I always have hard time figuring out what came out of what looking at them :rolleyes::rolleyes:


Registered Member

China abstained at the UNGA resolution condemning Russia because the resolution's support for state sovereignty was insufficient. India and South Africa abstained for the same reason.

I imagine China would have totally supported the resolution had it also condemned US arms sales to Taiwan.
That twitter post is totally twisting China's stance. China's reasoning of abstaining that particular UNGA resolution has nothing to do with sovereignty even though China support respecting of sovereignty in general.

Here is the twitter post
China made a surprising point in stating why they did not vote for the resolution. The ambassador stated they would support a resolution that contained stricter protections on sovereignty. Complete surprise to me.

Here is China's explanation of her vote:
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乌克兰局势仍在急剧变化,形势发展令人痛心。中方在乌克兰问题上的基本立场是一贯、明确的。我们始终主张尊重各国主权和领土完整,根据联合国宪章宗旨和原则和平解决国际争端China's general principle 当前最重要的是尽可能缓解现地局势,避免冲突升级甚至失控。俄罗斯同乌克兰已经举行首轮谈判,尽管存在分歧,双方都表现出继续推进谈判的意愿。我们对此表示欢迎。面对十分复杂敏感的形势,中方再次呼吁国际社会坚持政治解决大方向,为当事方直接对话谈判创造有利氛围和条件。


联合国和有关各方采取的任何行动,都要以地区和平稳定为重,以各方普遍安全为重,为紧张局势降温、推动外交解决起到正面作用。遗憾的是,刚才提交本次紧急特别联大表决的这项决议草案,事先没有在全体会员国范围内进行充分磋商,没有全面考虑当前危机背后的历史经纬和复杂矛盾,没有强调安全不可分割原则的重要性,也没有突出推动政治解决、加大外交努力的紧迫性。这些都与中方一贯坚持的立场主张不符,我们不得不对决议草案投了弃权票。The reason of abstaining.


乌克兰危机的最终解决,还是要摒弃冷战思维,摒弃以损害他国安全为代价维护自身安全的逻辑,摒弃以扩张军事集团谋求地区安全的作法,要在重视和尊重各国合理安全关切基础上,通过谈判形成均衡、有效、可持续的欧洲安全机制。一味施压制裁,制造分裂对抗,只会导致局面更加复杂,使危机消极影响迅速外溢,甚至波及更多国家。我们呼吁国际社会本着负责任态度,推动有关各方尽快回到政治解决的轨道上来,通过对话协商寻求乌克兰问题的全面解决。中方愿继续为此发挥建设性作用。What China would have wanted.


Instead China blamed the resolution of:
  1. lack of consultation within all members.
  2. Ignoring the history and background reasons.
  3. Failed to address the principle that security can not be separated from the issue.

China argues for solution:
  1. rid of the cold war mentality.
  2. rid of the "logic"of building own security on the cost of other's security.
  3. rid of the behaviour of expanding military alliance.
  4. respect every countries concern of security.