South Koreans have become too nationalistic and forgotten that the US wouldn't ever allow them to have nuclear weapon.
I wonder how those self-hating Asians feel about this? Oblivious like Ostriches in the sand.
Hopefully they get some very good taste on the South China Sea's typhoons... a very warm unforgettable embracing welcome in the South China Sea... at least they can be enjoying the mighty waving spins thereThat dingy little French ship is just sad to look at...
Pretty sure Kim would be happy to give them a few regardless, all gift wrapped and ready to go (off).Easy. Reunify with North Korea under Kim Jong Un’s terms.
She got good manner. If I were her, I would just tell the reporter to f**k off.LOL. Hua Chunying was so disgusted by this Reuters reporter: "I really hate the way you ask questions. It shows your arrogance and prejudice towards China. China is not involved (in the clash between Russia and Ukraine) yet you're trying to make China responsible for it."
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(I think this is the Reuters reporter.)