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The Saker: Russia recognition of the LDNR – a few initial thoughts
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South Front: To end this momentous day: Mr Putin signing the decrees with the two Republics
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Moon of Alabama: Russia's Security Council Recommends To Recognize The Donbas Republics
Updated (again) below
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Big shift in tone from the Angloid Russia Expert* community. Before today, there was a giddy sense that Putin had backed himself into a corner, checkmated—any move would be an own-goal. After recognizing DNR/LNR today, seeing a lot of sulking & frustration at NATO impotence.

Lot of that frustration stems from the sense that the much-promised WW2-style invasion of Ukraine that so many thinktankers and OSINTwerps have been panting over may not happen after all

China will watch how they respond to the crisis with great interest. Anything short of complete, North Korea style boycott against Russia will prove the Hawks within PRC government correct.


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What a bunch of cry babies. Sounds perfectly fine for China to do when the US can tell other countries not to do business with China. This is the truth coming out because before there were no challengers to the US. It's like how the US says it believes in the spirit of competition. Yeah when there are no peer challengers to the US. Now Chinese innovation has the US scared. Does the US then spend resources to make American innovation better? No, they find the easier path to undermine China instead. The only way they can compete with the competition is by pushing them down and not lifting themselves up.

Lithuania took a gamble at China's expense. Why not use them as an example? The West doesn't have the right to make money off of China especially when they're being disrespectful. If Lithuania was that stupid not to think of the consequences, they deserve to suffer from their mistakes. The Western countries complaining are arguing to have the right to insult the Chinese and make money off of them at the same time. Obama when President said regarding China what kind of friend would spy on their friends? Then it came out that Obama was having the US spy on allies. That's called a sociopath. Europe chose to join Trump in working to undermine China. China is only helping Europe to decouple from China which was the strategy in the first place. What are they complaining about? It only shows the West just talks the talk. It's the West that likes to threaten their military prowess. It's only a threat because if they're alarmed at how much money they will lose from China, they're no where close to being able to decouple and they just bark a lot from their all gum toothless mouths.




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The long shadow of communal violence in Western civilization, seeded in Christianity since its birth from late antiquity, is all too visible and obvious even with a cursory look. Each sect claims absolute truth about their interpretation of belief and kills and persecutes among themselves to mind mumbling proportions to prove their point. This history guy has a glint of religious zeal in his look and demeanor that would easily make him a medieval monk had he worn a different attire in the form of a cape and a robe. It's not a cold war mentality, it's sectarian Christian mentality that came down straight from English speaking protestants who ran away from old world persecution and killings.

That's one thing China would benefit to learn from it.
@zgx09t bro I'm a former catholic and a lot of my former Christian friend try to convert me saying that I was enlighten having experience the dogmatic of Catholicism and I answer politely" screw you", your religious interpretation is even worse and are willing to induced violence in the name of Christ. I lost a lot of friendship that day BUT I had gain their respect. That is how to confront this Christian zealot, in their face BUT polite NO with attitude, cause IF you dither you will be converted with their persistent.


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@zgx09t bro I'm a former catholic and a lot of my former Christian friend try to convert me saying that I was enlighten having experience the dogmatic of Catholicism and I answer politely" screw you", your religious interpretation is even worse and are willing to induced violence in the name of Christ. I lost a lot of friendship that day BUT I had gain their respect. That is how to confront this Christian zealot, in their face BUT polite NO with attitude, cause IF you dither you will be converted with their persistent.
I once had a Mormon tried to convert me and a bunch of my friends a years ago (teenage years). Milked them for all the stuff they were willing to provide us with like playing basketball at their church compound, offering us free meals and ice cream snacks. And then had us watched a couple of Latter day Saint's video which when the video ended asked us to convert and accept their religion.

My impressionable friends were on the fence but I spoke out against their intention and called out their intention was inauthentic and therefore their gestures were done expecting something in return which wasn't "Christ like" at all. Since, I read the Bible sparingly out of curiosity and connections having the experience of living in a Catholic Philippines, what they were doing was no different than what the serpent did in the book of Genesis to Adam and Eve with the "fruit of knowledge" temptation.


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And this is where it doesn’t make any sense. If the US is a cornered beast then it will bite because of China rise. Therefore China must escalate tensions to the highest degree to prevent them from biting. Sounds like a self fulfilling prophecy.

The US is ruled by Elites and NeoCons. Wall Street is just as powerful as the politicians here. Chances of any major escalations is not very likely besides the usual saber rattling.
Looks like I chose the wrong wording for this one. Sorry about that. The point I was trying to make was that the Chinese should beat back the US hard before they get too desperate but still harbor the hope that it will succeed. It doesn’t need to be a military approach. Like you said, Wall St is just as powerful or even more powerful than the politicians. Destroying their income will force them to take several steps back. The same goes for oil companies, high tech companies, major farming organizations and etc. All of that can determine the political landscape in the US. The salami slicing tactics in regards to Taiwan and East Asia, the blacklist of Chinese companies that received barely any retribution, the unpunished and blatant meddling in and lies about Chinese internal affairs, and etc are all feeding that hope I mentioned. The Chinese need to be significantly more active in quashing this hopium.
I still get a sense that China wants to hold off and postpone this inevitability the clash against Western Countries led by the U.S. there are factions within the CPC that are maybe still sanguine on forging a good relationship with the U.S. perhaps some of these people either have their capital invested in the U.S. have properties in the U.S. and are invested in the U.S. in more ways than what's know publicly. Or the Chinese leadership is just being an inward looking power only aims to better the lives of it's people which is why their PR department sucks ass when it comes to offensive Public shaping of perceptions. Always on the defensive and reactive rather than trying to step ahead in building the Chinese narrative and proactively shaping the facts on the ground to place the western countries in the defensive.
I would say both. Based on what their think tanks and professors have been saying about the US-China contention, I deduce that there is still a relatively influential faction that wants to be on good terms with the US even if it means accepting an inferior status. Simultaneously, the Chinese haven’t really been active in foreign politics and was focusing mostly on their economy. The problem is that the US wants China as a whole to go down because they threaten the fundamental pillars of their economy.


Registered Member
Looks like I chose the wrong wording for this one. Sorry about that. The point I was trying to make was that the Chinese should beat back the US hard before they get too desperate but still harbor the hope that it will succeed. It doesn’t need to be a military approach. Like you said, Wall St is just as powerful or even more powerful than the politicians. Destroying their income will force them to take several steps back. The same goes for oil companies, high tech companies, major farming organizations and etc. All of that can determine the political landscape in the US. The salami slicing tactics in regards to Taiwan and East Asia, the blacklist of Chinese companies that received barely any retribution, the unpunished and blatant meddling in and lies about Chinese internal affairs, and etc are all feeding that hope I mentioned. The Chinese need to be significantly more active in quashing this hopium.

I would say both. Based on what their think tanks and professors have been saying about the US-China contention, I deduce that there is still a relatively influential faction that wants to be on good terms with the US even if it means accepting an inferior status. Simultaneously, the Chinese haven’t really been active in foreign politics and was focusing mostly on their economy. The problem is that the US wants China as a whole to go down because they threaten the fundamental pillars of their economy.
Then those dumb dumb "think tanks" need to wake up and smell the darn coffee because to pretend that there will be pom poms and rainbows with the U.S. from here on out are not just being delusional but also engaging in an activity that's actually destructive to the future of China and by a large extent the Global South.


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Moderator - World Affairs
I am going to post a well written and well-researched on the recently passed bill in the U.S. Congress signed by Let's Go Brandon, on U.S.-China policy. I am just going to highlight a more direct reference to Taiwan and Hong Kong to show to @Phead128 and his ideological supporters that playing the "international rule bull crap is over" when your geopolitical enemy is pretty much going all in undermining China's sovereignty.

The sections on Taiwan and Hong Kong are really something. The US pledges to raise international recognition of Taiwan(6). The US says it is committed to aligning with Taiwan against any “coercive behaviour.” The bill also’ goes on the instruct the US to punish any country that doesn’t recognise Taiwan and strengthen “civilian defence professionals” on the island. There is specific language to increase Taiwan’s ability to separate from the PRC. When we get to Hong Kong, the situation may be even worse. The US approves $10M for the “promotion of democracy” in Hong Kong(7). They demand the release of people held for undermining national security (almost as if they wish to undermine it themselves) and approve funds for the development of technology which will circumvent the PRC’s internet security systems(8). There is also instruction to send American students and “democracy supporters” to both Taiwan and Hong Kong.

Review of United States HR4521

The United States, in direct interference with China’s domestic policy, seeks to develop and distribute an American controlled technology (software or hardware is not specified) for circumventing the Chinese government’s internet security(8). They directly state that this technology is to be used to disseminate American propaganda directly to the Chinese people. The PRC should carefully watch for this aggression, as it is a direct violation of the PRC’s self-determination and national security and view this for the aggression that it is.

I agree these are extremely concerning if implemented but many things are proposed in US bills that never come to fruition. I personally think Biden doesn't have much room to pursuing high stakes gamesmanship over Taiwan/HK when US economy has record high inflation, skyhigh debt, and slow economic growth. Now if a Republican gets into power in 2024, then that is really really concerning, because over half the stuff you posted will become reality. With Biden, probably it will be significantly diluted or removed outright. Biden can't afford to confront China when his popularity is so low due to pandemic and poor economic status. What you posted is more of a wishlist amongst Republican hawks than what will actually be implemented.