I am going to post a well written and well-researched on the recently passed bill in the U.S. Congress signed by Let's Go Brandon, on U.S.-China policy. I am just going to highlight a more direct reference to Taiwan and Hong Kong to show to
@Phead128 and his ideological supporters that playing the "international rule bull crap is over" when your geopolitical enemy is pretty much going all in undermining China's sovereignty.
The sections on Taiwan and Hong Kong are really something. The US pledges to raise international recognition of Taiwan(6). The US says it is committed to aligning with Taiwan against any “coercive behaviour.” The bill also’ goes on the instruct the US to punish any country that doesn’t recognise Taiwan and strengthen “civilian defence professionals” on the island. There is specific language to increase Taiwan’s ability to separate from the PRC. When we get to Hong Kong, the situation may be even worse. The US approves $10M for the “promotion of democracy” in Hong Kong(7). They demand the release of people held for undermining national security (almost as if they wish to undermine it themselves) and approve funds for the development of technology which will circumvent the PRC’s internet security systems(8). There is also instruction to send American students and “democracy supporters” to both Taiwan and Hong Kong.
Review of United States HR4521
The United States, in direct interference with China’s domestic policy, seeks to develop and distribute an American controlled technology (software or hardware is not specified) for circumventing the Chinese government’s internet security(8). They directly state that this technology is to be used to disseminate American propaganda directly to the Chinese people. The PRC should carefully watch for this aggression, as it is a direct violation of the PRC’s self-determination and national security and view this for the aggression that it is.