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Bill Maher thinks he's so clever and brave when all he does is essentially parrot the same line and thinking of Ayn Rand philosophy regardless of what he says. The man after all was a proud libertarian when he was hosting his canceled show on ABC Politically Incorrect. And that show got canceled at the height of the terrorism hysteria in the U.S. post 911.

Bill Maher the idiot and a typical American ignoramus would want a country like China to take and accept all the insults hurled by his country, America and still slavishly buy, fawn, and absorb everything America makes. Who thinks like this? None except western chauvinist idiots like Bill and his fellow exceptionalist Americans. American history is so new and for the most part it's people have never truly been tried and undergone a massive internal upheaval caused by defeat and humiliation by any external foes. Having been the dominant power and hegemon of the western hemisphere and isolated from the ravages of WWI and WWII much of the American sentiments and views on conflict are largely sanitized and one sided. Thinking that they are on the side of providence and that they're relative safety and economic dominance are the blessings from God.

God complex is what America is afflicted with. They can never do wrong and even if they have committed any wrong doings they were largely committed out of trying to do good. So the populace somehow manages to excuse the horrible actions their government have committed in the preceding decades and which is why they are able to sleep soundly in the night and smile courageously even if they feel and know deep down that the Native Americans were genocided because at the end of the day, American progress was allowed to happen, and Jesus willed it. It would not have happened if all them Indians just went along with the program and accept the fact that they were nothing but savages that needed to accept Jesus into their heathen lives and have Americans as their superiors.

American superiority arisen from their God complex are pretty potent killer combination that the only antidote to these condition is defeat and humiliation in whatever form or capacity. I don't see no other way.
IMHO, just like with Nazi Germany, the only way to teach the Neocon/Neolib US AKA the wannabe rulers of earth a lesson, is to crushingly defeat them and bring their criminal leadership to face justice along the lines of the Nuremberg trials. The American people yearn for freedom and liberation. The world as a whole yearns for peace, stability and prosperity. Sadly, the US has turned itself into the greatest global security challenge the world has faced since World War 2. Both German Nazism and US neoconservatism/neoliberlalism are expansionist/imperialist ideologies that will eventually motivate its "users" to seek more and more physical/economic"living space".


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IMHO, just like with Nazi Germany, the only way to teach the Neocon/Neolib US AKA the wannabe rulers of earth a lesson, is to crushingly defeat them and bring their criminal leadership to face justice along the lines of the Nuremberg trials. The American people yearn for freedom and liberation. The world as a whole yearns for peace, stability and prosperity. Sadly, the US has turned itself into the greatest global security challenge the world has faced since World War 2. Both German Nazism and US neoconservatism/neoliberlalism are expansionist/imperialist ideologies that will eventually motivate its "users" to seek more and more physical/economic"living space".
Chinese need to wake up. We were for decades under a false pretense that the West was a benevolent force. This view spread and strengthened radically after the generation of Mao-Zhou-Zhu died off. Only since 2018 with the actions of the Trump administration did we start to see a very slow and very late retification in our views. And even with all the hostile actions the shift was and is still very slow. Only this year China started to back Russia more and only diplomatically at that. After four years of hostility.
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Registered Member
Chinese need to wake up. We were for decades under a false pretense that the West was a benevolent force. This view spread and strengthened radically after the generation of Mao-Zhou-Zhu died off. Only since 2018 with the actions of the Trump administration did we start to see a very slow and very late retification in our views. And even with all the hostile actions the shift was and is still very slow. Only this year China started to back Russia more and only diplomatically at that. After four years of hostility.
Yeah, it does take a while for China's view to change but eventually when the dragon awakes, it will be very difficult to eventually convince China in the future that not all those with Anglo Saxon blood are evil bastards wanting to kill every Chinese person for the sake of existing. It is seen as of now that more and more Chinese people refuse (as slowly as it current is but it is starting to ramp up) to be treated by little bitches any longer.

This is a scary prospect that this could become the end result of how the western media is determined to push China into the role of the villain like they did to Russia and villainize them and encouraging hate and violence towards China for very little real reason other then petty hatred and racism and an extreme inability to understand what make a Chinese person tick. They wish to continue ruling the world as tyrants forever while pretending to worship and follow God as those they are the God given rulers of the world, which is going to have some very lethal consequences as this year will begin to show given the current months of January and February are current showing in terms of increasing disasters happening to the US and there so called allies.

Eventually driving China into a corner and ultimately making it clear (media wise) that the only good Chinese person, is going to be either a very dead one or at least as a western slave licking their feet is going to eventually proven to be a major mistake given that the Chinese really hate to be pushing back into the century of humiliation by a gleeful west that cannot wait for such an opportunity to rub it in like the cowards they truly are and what China will do to strike back is going to shock the world, like they did in the Korean and Vietnam wars where the west expected to win but didn't against all odds. In the future, like all those who are driven by extreme pride and hubris, it would take only one mistake to try until all of China against a common foe and then should the USA eventually make all the mistakes that will deprive them of the power and preeminence in the world, well they may end up getting what they totally wish for, only that they are the recipient of the humiliation, not the ones delivering it and it will not be a century of Humiliation but it will be humiliation until the ends of time