Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
State sponsored nuclear terrorism is, needless to say, an act of war comparable to a nation launching nukes against another.
If the anglos are proven to be respnsible, China has every right to take nuclear reprisals.
When are they going to prove it?


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Let us apply the autism of the anglo mouthpieces and propagandists to this tragic situation and report with the same glee that they would have reported:
Lo, look how the Queen of the Anglos has been stricken by the Plague, a curse from God Almighty for the sins of the Anglos, for it is written in the ancient anglo text Mort D'Arthur that the land and the king are one, so the queen getting covid is symbolic of the rot of Anglo society, much as the leper king of Jeruaslem foretold the fall of Jerusalem to the Saracens, so too is the affliction of Plague upon the Queen of the Anglos symbolic of the collapse and decline of the white anglos. Repent!! Repent!!


Registered Member
Ooh interesting, they said a chernobyl could happen because of broken nuclear rods or something.
I kind of though it was a weird ass leak back then.

This nuke reactor is quite close to Hong Kong, and the HK media harped on this for a few days until the experts said it's a nothing burger, a nuke reactor version of Xinjiang genocide. When the news broke out it was already suspect because only the US media were screaming about it, and then after a few days, complete silence.