Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
There is a dirty truth here about One Belt One Road that no one in the west dares to mention anymore.

Where China invested, are into countries no one wanted to invest in.

That is what really happened.

That is why we never hear about those people in those countries, what they think of American infrastructure investment or European infrastructure investment to those countries.

It never happened. Unless we go back to the days of colonialism, then those infrastructure investments were made by the west to those countries, and usually to serve Western interests.

That is why we read in the press, that the Americans will counter China's BRI, and the Europeans will counter it too. No one in the developing world gives a shit about they say. Same old bullshit as always.

The BRI will have a real impact on the world. How it will change things, we don't know at stage of the game. At a minimum, it is good for the countries who received the investments upgrading infrastructure, and the Chinese companies made a few RMB or dollars too.

Just business.



Registered Member
There is a dirty truth here about One Belt One Road that no one in the west dares to mention anymore.

Where China invested, are into countries no one wanted to invest in.

That is what really happened.

The west had all the capital, but they deliberately did not invest in those basket-case countries. President Trump referred to them as shit-holes.

What would anyone invest there?

Then, after joining the WTO and gaining some capital, China decides to invest in those wild places.

The strategy was brilliant in this way, that it was investment across the board everywhere. Some of these investment will fail spectacularly, but most of them will succeed, making this whole BRI project worthwhile for the investors, Chinese capital.

However, that is not what happened. What happened was almost 100% of projects succeed. It really is at 99% or more.

There is no counter the west can do for this. Those countries are still not good investments to the Western mind set.

So the Western politician goes no delivering those empty promises, while the BRI travels the whole world.

@horse SO SO TRUE bro, a perfect example, Duterte visited China and was reward with a $10 billion deal, Japan counter with the same amount, not to be outdone Xi up the stake with a $15 billion loan when he visited Manila, Abe respond in kind. So Duterte in his term is able to secure grants and low interest loans totaling $50 billion. China provide you a strong bargain tool and the West hated it. The previous master and slave contract had become transactional.
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