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Moderator - World Affairs
I suspect the Indian nationalists know at heart that their country is a shithole. South Korea isn't a shithole, it's just a minnow surrounded by whales (and a lunatic relative other minnow).
I don't even get mad at the Indians, I'm just so impressed they have so much time to make alt-accounts to pretend to be like "White people" to bash China. It's almost as if they are not confident to compare India directly with China, they have to pretend to be "White" in order to push China down to the trash to make themselves feel good. And most of the time, Indian nationalist are very entertaining. Stupid little idiots.
I am not sure why you dont see the carrots that are prepared for Germany. it is German responsibility what it want to distribute.
Gazprom has doubled the purchase order of compressor turbines for 2022. it never happened in history.

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For some reason, you remind me of Indian Jai Hind nationalists in terms of level of delusion. What I mean is Ukraine finds EU/West more economically attractive, while Russian economy is in the dumpsters. In the short-term, Russia can get away with intimidating Ukraine with brute force, but in long-term, you need to offer economic incentives/benefits to keep Ukraine in your influence/orbit and compete with EU/West, not only some stupid compressor turbines from Gazprom.


Registered Member
For some reason, you remind me of Indian Jai Hind nationalists in terms of level of delusion. What I mean is Ukraine finds EU/West more economically attractive, while Russian economy is in the dumpsters. In the short-term, Russia can get away with intimidating Ukraine with brute force, but in long-term, you need to offer economic incentives/benefits to keep Ukraine in your influence/orbit and compete with EU/West, not only some stupid compressor turbines from Gazprom.
you ignored the first link of German business committee and not understood significance of such large compressor order.
Europe is facing sky high utility prices for years to come due to unreliable engineering. Russia is trying to save Germany and you are thinking of small potato Ukraine. this kind of maps only generated when events become routine.




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2nd Link = Source Material.

US nuclear reactors contain ‘fake’ parts, watchdog finds​

The first part failure involved an emergency service water pump shaft that “snapped” soon after being installed.

At another Northeast plant, temperature monitoring instruments in “safety-related areas” had been “prematurely”failing “at a significantly increased rate.” It was later found that some instruments had been “repaired using defective parts” prior to the failure.


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Afghanistan is a very poor country, America has played a big part to impoverish it. now they rob it in industrial scale. if Taliban is still Taliban, they should launch a few more 911 to retaliate.

911 was launched by Al Qaeda, not taliban (who didnt even control the whole country at the time of the operation). Having said that, the Taliban should respond proportionately, especially as they are the de-facto and de-jure government of a sovereign nation.


Registered Member
The question remains how much value economically is going to benefit the Asia-Pacific region, specifically the ASEAN countries who's largest trading partners is CHINA. What incentives is the U.S. prepared to offer on the table not only for these countries being enticed to partake in what essentially a CHINA containment strategy other than TRUST ME BRO?

The U.S. is not part of or to any trade agreements with these countries it's not a part of the recently signed and started R.C.E.P. not a member of CPTPP not anything.

This report is nothing BUT HYPE IN TRYING to persuade and soothe the concerns of their domestic audiences that they're doing something tangible and tough against China. And all this laughable so called strategic report is nothing more than just a propaganda b.s. amplified by the western media.

China shouldn't be alarmed by this move or recent pronouncements because what matters are not what's being said but what's being done on the ground and the corresponding NUMBERS that supports that CHINA'S importance ECONOMICALLY can't be just wished away by any American President's wishful aspirations.

I thought the feeble and failed attempt by then TRUMP administrations so called TRADE WAR would have taught the Americans important and valuable lessons but it seems that Americans can't see beyond the hammer as it's policy proposals against a determined and inevitable China.

Forget about it comrade.

Have you watched these videos about the One Belt One Road?

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They tell the real story on the ground, the story that the Western media will not report.