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Senior Member
Registered Member
I didn't even know I have other aliases in this forum. I am sure the moderators can take a look and confirm if they need to, or want to. You don't need to act as one if you are not.

Who is playing dumb? If you believe China has surpassed the USA in national power, military power, in scientific and technological advancements, I have no issues. I am all ears. Show me the evidence.

So far all I have seen is that much hyped Huawei stumble after a single stroke of a pen, quite literally more than figuratively.
I never said China has surpassed the US. You said China will never catchup in the next 30 years when china has caught up in many fields that you conveniently disregarded. I feel china will catch up in the next decade.

I never hyped Huawei and I don't see how Huawei was "much hyped"? It had great 5G tech that the US did not have. And this is from country that was decades behind in tech just 10 years ago. So in a way china did surpass the US in that field. We all knew it's weakness was chip production. But the US has had to make large changes to its entity list laws to make Huawei stumble. More so than against any other company in the past. They also had to make adjustments to their sanctions when the first one wasn't working well enough. That shows the resilience of Huawei.

So again, what you posted is just another iteration of what I thought you'd say before.


Registered Member
I didn't even know I have other aliases in this forum. I am sure the moderators can take a look and confirm if they need to, or want to. You don't need to act as one if you are not.

Who is playing dumb? If you believe China has surpassed the USA in national power, military power, in scientific and technological advancements, I have no issues. I am all ears. Show me the evidence.

So far all I have seen is that much hyped Huawei stumble after a single stroke of a pen, quite literally more than figuratively.

Just so that you know, in the latest round of deals, Chinese and Russians have agreed to trade in Euros. Not in the much vaunted RMB of the world's second largest economy, not in Russian roubles.
Damn the saltiness of the Kool Aid must be giving you a real high zing


Registered Member
I am sorry that I failed to understand your Singlish.

Could you try that one more time, slowly without any Singlish thrown into the mix?

No need for personal attacks either, since if I pay back in kind, the result will be a massive trollfest. Let's focus on the gist of the debate, if ever there was one you participated in.
Man, just take off your klan mask, no need to pretend you're holding back like you're taking it easy on us. Let loose son. Show your truth brother. Let the racist in you come out. You know you want to.


Registered Member
I am sorry that I failed to understand your Singlish.

Could you try that one more time, slowly without any Singlish thrown into the mix?

No need for personal attacks either, since if I pay back in kind, the result will be a massive trollfest. Let's focus on the gist of the debate, if ever there was one you participated in.
Damn so you were stalking me.

All of a sudden I talked about my job in Singapore and you make an assumption about me?

Congrats for insulting all the actual Singaporeans on this forum tho with your prejudice.


Btw I realized a lot of Asian Americans in Singapore like to hang around Robertson Quay.


Registered Member
Well, no need to make unfounded personal attacks. You do not even know me and I am not Brazilian either.

It is further affirmation of the facts I have stated before.

That you have no factual counter, that you have to try and make personal attacks, because you have no facts to counter the ones I have presented, is obvious from your attempt to sideline the original discussion.

I am not going to engage in a mudslinging contest with you, a nobody, on the internet.

Like I have said, like all other East Asian states before it, the CCP is staring at this elephant in the room that it chooses, maybe dares not challenge.
And who are you? Mr. Racist Nobody. You're just some pissed off loser who can't stand Asians WINNING. Lol


Junior Member
Registered Member
That would be most/all Chinese companies.

The most famous, well liked, overhyped Chinese tech giant folded in the consumer/smartphone segment, at least outside of China, under a set of simple sanctions from the United States government.

Like it or not, it is the same reason Japan could never surpass the US despite appearing to/threatening to do so in the mid-90s and that is true and still widely applicable for all East Asian societies across the board.

What makes it worse for China is that it is led by an autocratic regime where no one of any reasonable intellect would want to settle and pursue their career, pursuing their dreams (so to speak) and spark any intellectual quest to challenge the status quo.

Since this is a military oriented forum, you might ask: What are the tactical, doctrinal or other - such as weapons or logistics - innovation or invention that the PLA has brought to the fore or adopted thanks to invention within China, rather than thanks to adoption of ideas and technologies originated elsewhere in the world, primarily the West?

The same disease plagues other East Asian countries too. It speaks volumes, to be frank, about those countries.
You sound like another Western shill who has no idea about the rest of the world. Please do everyone a favour and go back to Reddit or whichever racist parallel universe circlejerk you came from. BTW, if you are indeed a certain previous user, we can all smell your desperation all the way from behind our screens.