Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
Who is this no one?

Have Chinese companies, institutions, government or citizens stopped using American hardware, software, or IP that goes into their production?

Have ZTE now suddenly become entirely self suffcient?

Has SMIC now stopped importing ASML photolithographic equipment? There is no wide ranging sanctions/embargo on Chinese economy like they are imposed on North Korean or were imposed on Iranian economy.

Except for its massive size which means much greater bargaining power, the Chinese hold no leverage over American companies or government whatsoever.

Huawei, its most celebrated company, was easily knocked out with not even a whimper of a response from the entire Chinese government.

Nobody/majority/anybody of note cares about some unknown sportsperson outside China. You can carry out a recorded video interview in the streets of any Western country where you see crowds, the results will speak for themselves.

I have never heard of this infamous 3-3 infantry doctrine. Never mind, I hope we will not have to wait long to see this doctrine in action over Taiwan. I hope you or anybody else will not be holding their breath for it.
Invented by Lin Biao and he wrote a whole book on how to use this. Can be applied to a higher level to instead of just at squad level. During the US-China honeymoon period PLA would send instructors to US to teach GI about it, not sure how much of it they took it to heart.


Registered Member
That would be most/all Chinese companies.

The most famous, well liked, overhyped Chinese tech giant folded in the consumer/smartphone segment, at least outside of China, under a set of simple sanctions from the United States government.

Like it or not, it is the same reason Japan could never surpass the US despite appearing to/threatening to do so in the mid-90s and that is true and still widely applicable for all East Asian societies across the board.

What makes it worse for China is that it is led by an autocratic regime where no one of any reasonable intellect would want to settle and pursue their career, pursuing their dreams (so to speak) and spark any intellectual quest to challenge the status quo.

Since this is a military oriented forum, you might ask: What are the tactical, doctrinal or other - such as weapons or logistics - innovation or invention that the PLA has brought to the fore or adopted thanks to invention within China, rather than thanks to adoption of ideas and technologies originated elsewhere in the world, primarily the West?

The same disease plagues other East Asian countries too. It speaks volumes, to be frank, about those countries.
Cry about it some more.


Registered Member
Not sure I understand that image since I do not know Chinese language. I hope you are not holding your breath for PLA to use the same tactics over Taiwan.
Now then:
What are the tactical, doctrinal or other - such as weapons or logistics - innovation or invention that the PLA has brought to the fore or adopted thanks to invention within China, rather than thanks to adoption of ideas and technologies originated elsewhere in the world, primarily the West?
Well? Did they invent this doctrine or not?


Senior Member
Registered Member
I have slept well, thank you. If that is what you are asking.

How about you? Have you slept well?
Playing dumb? Just how many aliases do you need to make to stay on this forum. We must be living rent free in your head.

Let me save you some time because we already know what you are gonna post. It's different iterations of: "USA is so powerful and has so many vassels that can be harvested, no other counter will catch up! Inflation? It's not a bad thing it if happens to the US. percentage GDP growth? Fastest in the world. All you other counties will never catch up."

That sums it up quite nicely.


Registered Member
Well, no need to make unfounded personal attacks. You do not even know me and I am not Brazilian either.

It is further affirmation of the facts I have stated before.

That you have no factual counter, that you have to try and make personal attacks, because you have no facts to counter the ones I have presented, is obvious from your attempt to sideline the original discussion.

I am not going to engage in a mudslinging contest with you, a nobody, on the internet.

Like I have said, like all other East Asian states before it, the CCP is staring at this elephant in the room that it chooses, maybe dares not challenge.
Facts? Lol okay. All I read from you is crying and whining. Your comments are just as nauseating and pathetic like that loser Pat Knt espousing white power racial superiority and all that good stuff you're essentially spewing but is too chicken shit to say it out loud because you don't want to get banned AGAIN. Which means, you're purpose is to be antagonistic, to troll, and insist that we listen to your fucking nonsense like it's the truth. At the same time we're being insulted we're supposed to take your shit lying down like the good Asians that we are. And you're saying "you're not making things personal" really now? Man, GTFOH with your b.s. You're A JOKE.
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