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China biotech has moving U.S. target on the back​

Pharmaceutical company WuXi Biologics
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plunged 23% on Tuesday after Washington added it and 32 other Chinese groups to a list that would make U.S. imports of components like bioreactors much more painful. The $34 billion contract drugmaker rushed to explain
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that the list is not the much-feared entity black list, and hinted things will improve once China’s Covid-19 restrictions ease and field inspections can be completed. But it’s the second time in merely two months that the company was hammered
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out of fears over its heavy U.S. exposure as bilateral ties sour.

Even if WuXi Biologics’ planned mainland factories eventually make it self-sufficient for parts, the company is a moving target with over half of its revenue from North American clients, including a large proportion from the United States. The “Unverified List” may just be a starter proving the multiple ways that Washington can move to curb Chinese champions. Wuxi’s rich valuation, at 47 times next 12 months earnings per Refinitiv, is another reason to sell. (By Yawen Chen)

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Any Chinese company that relies on American capital, technology, market has no future. They will be sanctioned into bankruptcy.

Self-sufficiency in capital, technology and market must be priority number 1 for China.


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The only part of modern international relations you seem to get is the useless formalism. Who cares who recognized whom?
yup this is precisely the reason why I wrote that account of the Russian origins of Belarus and Ukraine. Are we really going to make their independent status sacrosanct just because Gorbachev and Yeltsin, two men who were obviously useful idiots and probably traitors as well, bombed their country and made future generations suffer forever? If yes, this terrifies me because China came very very close to doing the same thing before. In the republic, both Sun and Huang Xing wanted to just GIVE AWAY the whole northeast to Japan. (Yang Tianshi, Haiwai fangshi lu, 1998) It was only because Yuan Shikai became president that the northeastern locals decided to join the republic. also, China did not recognise Tibetan independence at the time, but Outer Mongolia did. Outer Mongolia became recognised by China in 1945, so there was a period when we had diplomatic relations with a state that recognised Tibet. You can also add in the time when Mao Zedong said "we dont care about Hong Kong". We are just lucky the British or the Japanese in Taiwan weren't smart enough to create a puppet state instead of a colony. There were multiple times in China's history that 2 divided imperial dynasties formed equal diplomatic relations or even recognised each other as emperors: Northern and Southern dynasties, Five dynasties and ten kingdoms, Song and Liao etc.

China also came pretty damn close to experiencing a Soviet situation. just a few very slight differences would have meant a permanently fractured China. in intl relations, institutions must always be revised to take realities in account, or else everybody will eventually be forced to defect from the institutions and there will be no cooperation at all. This is not to support Russian activities in eastern europe, but simply saying that we should avoid normative judgement.

Bob Smith

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That would be most/all Chinese companies.

The most famous, well liked, overhyped Chinese tech giant folded in the consumer/smartphone segment, at least outside of China, under a set of simple sanctions from the United States government.

Like it or not, it is the same reason Japan could never surpass the US despite appearing to/threatening to do so in the mid-90s and that is true and still widely applicable for all East Asian societies across the board.

What makes it worse for China is that it is led by an autocratic regime where no one of any reasonable intellect would want to settle and pursue their career, pursuing their dreams (so to speak) and spark any intellectual quest to challenge the status quo.

Since this is a military oriented forum, you might ask: What are the tactical, doctrinal or other - such as weapons or logistics - innovation or invention that the PLA has brought to the fore or adopted thanks to invention within China, rather than thanks to adoption of ideas and technologies originated elsewhere in the world, primarily the West?

The same disease plagues other East Asian countries too. It speaks volumes, to be frank, about those countries.
You could be banned for dog whistling racism unironically.


Senior Member
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That would be most/all Chinese companies.

The most famous, well liked, overhyped Chinese tech giant folded in the consumer/smartphone segment, at least outside of China, under a set of simple sanctions from the United States government.

Like it or not, it is the same reason Japan could never surpass the US despite appearing to/threatening to do so in the mid-90s and that is true and still widely applicable for all East Asian societies across the board.

What makes it worse for China is that it is led by an autocratic regime where no one of any reasonable intellect would want to settle and pursue their career, pursuing their dreams (so to speak) and spark any intellectual quest to challenge the status quo.

Since this is a military oriented forum, you might ask: What are the tactical, doctrinal or other - such as weapons or logistics - innovation or invention that the PLA has brought to the fore or adopted thanks to invention within China, rather than thanks to adoption of ideas and technologies originated elsewhere in the world, primarily the West?

The same disease plagues other East Asian countries too. It speaks volumes, to be frank, about those countries.

Bullshit, my parents have moved back to China in the last 5 years, and they now run a biotech company traded in Shanghai. And no, we dont intend to answer you second loaded question, which again is based on false pretense.

How long will you last this time sleepystudent?


Registered Member
That would be most/all Chinese companies.

The most famous, well liked, overhyped Chinese tech giant folded in the consumer/smartphone segment, at least outside of China, under a set of simple sanctions from the United States government.
Come now, Huawei's current situation comes not from sanction but direct government action preventing them from buying chips. This is a direct denouncement of their own neoliberal free market doctrine. As in, yes they reached their goals for now, but they destroyed their own game in doing so. Now any similar tech giant from around the world will no longer trust US supply chain.

Like it or not, it is the same reason Japan could never surpass the US despite appearing to/threatening to do so in the mid-90s and that is true and still widely applicable for all East Asian societies across the board.

What makes it worse for China is that it is led by an autocratic regime where no one of any reasonable intellect would want to settle and pursue their career, pursuing their dreams (so to speak) and spark any intellectual quest to challenge the status quo.
Have you not seen the news about Eileen Gu and all the seethe and cope around her "defection" to China in the last few days?

Since this is a military oriented forum, you might ask: What are the tactical, doctrinal or other - such as weapons or logistics - innovation or invention that the PLA has brought to the fore or adopted thanks to invention within China, rather than thanks to adoption of ideas and technologies originated elsewhere in the world, primarily the West?

The same disease plagues other East Asian countries too. It speaks volumes, to be frank, about those countries.
Here's one: the 3-3 infantry doctrine that allowed PVA to defeat a technologically superior UN forces in Korea?


Registered Member
@Temstar bro and here's another one Carlson Raiders from Wikipedia

The Raiders were created by an order from President Roosevelt, acting on proposals from
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. Carlson had been a soldier in the
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to capture
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in Mexico and
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, became a Marine officer during the
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, and served as an
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Officer of the
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in China. He had seen the tactics and strategy of
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and the
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in particular, as they fought the occupying
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and became enthralled with their version of
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Bob Smith

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Dog whistle or no dog whistle, it is the closest to the truth one can be without being overtly offensive.

If you want all members to sing paeans to the CCP all day all night, else all members will be banned, then it is only natural that China will continue to struggle much like Japan before it.

There is no avoiding this unavoidable, maybe unpalatable, fact.
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I don't care about praising the CCP. You seem to be picking exclusively on East Asians your past few posts using white supremacist talking points.


Senior Member
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That would be most/all Chinese companies.

The most famous, well liked, overhyped Chinese tech giant folded in the consumer/smartphone segment, at least outside of China, under a set of simple sanctions from the United States government.

Like it or not, it is the same reason Japan could never surpass the US despite appearing to/threatening to do so in the mid-90s and that is true and still widely applicable for all East Asian societies across the board.

What makes it worse for China is that it is led by an autocratic regime where no one of any reasonable intellect would want to settle and pursue their career, pursuing their dreams (so to speak) and spark any intellectual quest to challenge the status quo.

Since this is a military oriented forum, you might ask: What are the tactical, doctrinal or other - such as weapons or logistics - innovation or invention that the PLA has brought to the fore or adopted thanks to invention within China, rather than thanks to adoption of ideas and technologies originated elsewhere in the world, primarily the West?

The same disease plagues other East Asian countries too. It speaks volumes, to be frank, about those countries.
Oh man sleepy is that you again ? Sounds a lot like what sleepy would say.

Bob Smith

Junior Member
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China is East Asian.

If I reserve my criticism towards only China, while objectively other East Asians suffer from the same characteristics, that would be dishonest and illogical.

What other talking points some fringe groups or lunatics or others may or may not bring up from time to time has no bearing on simple facts.

Just because a criminal also breathes, and so do I, you and all other members in this forum, does not mean we should stop breathing just to distinguish ourselves from some criminal.

Just because a criminal might correctly calculate that 3 added to 5 is 8, does not mean we should change our answer to distinguish ourselves from that criminal.
Curious how you rank the racial groups. Whites obviously come at the top for you. What about the rest?