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Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
They reaffirm that the new inter-State relations between Russia and China are superior to political and military alliances of the Cold War era. Friendship between the two States has no limits
It is also worth to emphasize the part in bold text, a lesson to people who advocate cold war era alliance, a lesson to the hair-splitting interpretation of China's stance on Ukraine/Crimea.

You misunderstand my position.

As a matter of geostrategic policy, I agree and support closer cooperation between China and an Imperialist (Russia) against a Bigger Imperialist (US/West) as it pertains to Ukraine/Crimea.

As a matter of principle, I disagree that China giving an Imperialist (Russia) a 'blank check' to annex any of it's former Soviet space by virtue of its "strong Sino-Russo friendship++ strategic relationship", because it sets up a bad precedent that can hurt China if it is ever weak in the future (e.g. Century of Humiliation, Hong Kong, Unequal treaties).

In generally, I am Anti-Imperialism, and I will continue to call out any imperialism by either side (US or Russia), whether friends of China or not because I have basic principles and don't blindly support a friend because it's a friend.
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Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
And better yet a threesome, include that Chinese PLA soldier who barehand fought off 40 Indians
I like how India boycotted diplomatically, but then I see there is only one (1) Indian athlete attending the games.:oops:

India should have just said that one Indian athlete was not attending, so it would be a athlete boycott too. It's not like anyone would have cared or noticed.:cool: India performs horribly in the summer and winter Olympics.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
It seems to be pipelines in yellow box. The gas is from Sakhalin. This section is the 2nd phase of Power of Siberia 1. This phase was supposed to be serving SK and Japan in Russia's plan decades ago. I remember that initially Russia wanted to connect to China from Vladivostok (end terminal of 2nd phase). The price would have been higher to include this section of construction. China refused. So the project was split in two phase. Phase 1 connect China from Svobodny, while Russia continues phase 2 in the hope of selling to SK and Japan.

Yeah that is basically what I heard. This is a pipeline which transfers gas from Sakhalin island to Vladivostok and then China.

Russia used to have a project to build an LNG port facility near Vladivostok which would then sell the gas to Asia but that got cancelled. Sakhalin already has LNG facilities to export the gas extracted there and this LNG is exported to Japan and South Korea.
There was also talk about building a gas pipeline direct from Sakhalin to northern Japan underwater or into South Korea via North Korea or underwater but that never went anywhere. The funding is not there.


Junior Member
Registered Member
You misunderstand my position.

As a matter of geostrategic policy, I agree and support closer cooperation between China and an Imperialist (Russia) against a Bigger Imperialist (US/West) as it pertains to Ukraine/Crimea.

As a matter of principle, I disagree that China giving an Imperialist (Russia) a 'blank check' to annex any of it's former Soviet space by virtue of its "strong Sino-Russo friendship++ strategic relationship", because it sets up a bad precedent that can hurt China if it is ever weak in the future (e.g. Century of Humiliation, Hong Kong, Unequal treaties).

In generally, I am Anti-Imperialism, and I will continue to call out any imperialism by either side (US or Russia), whether friends of China or not because I have basic principles and don't blindly support a friend because it's a friend.

I'm somewhat curious and want to clarify about this point, and I don't mean any offense but rather just want to listen to other arguments. Why would you say that Russian activities in Eastern Europe are more imperialist than Chinese reunification of Taiwan and Hong Kong? The Balto-Slavic peoples of Eastern Europe are very similar and all of them have histories of trying to unify with their neighbours. I've pointed out previously that states like Poland and Lithuania have annexed vast swathes of the Rus lands before. The Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth occupied Moscow repeatedly and tried to create a united Polish-Lithuanian-Muscovite commonwealth. The very existence of Belarus originates from the Lithuanian-ruled part of Rus and Ukraine originated from the Polish-ruled Rus. The word Ukraine is simply the generic Russian word for borderland, used in many parts of Russia. Before it was called Ukraine this place was called Little Russia, and even this name was imposed by Polish rule. Originally, nobody distinguished between the Southern/Western Rus and the Eastern/Northern Rus. Even today there is a continuum between the Eastern Ukrainian dialects and the Southern Russian dialects. The Rus capital for the longest time was Kiev. Historically the Ukrainian polity first appeared because the Cossacks (a tiny minority of horseback warriors not representative of ordinary locals in any way), tried to play the Poles, Moscow and the Ottomans off against each other. Eventually they submitted to Moscow and conquered everything from Crimea to Vladivostok. Did you know that with the collapse of Russia in 1917, the new Ukrainian nation claimed Other Manchuria (Green Ukraine) as theirs, together with the whole Russian-Kazakh frontier (Grey and Yellow Ukraine), because the conquering settlers mostly came from Ukraine? The struggle for unification was won by Moscow, so understandably they wanted to standardise the language like Qin Shihuang. Are we calling them imperialist simply because Gorbachev was an idiot and recognised them all when Russia was weak? As far as I can see this is a domestic dispute; I would sooner get involved in US secession squabbles.

To be fair, I fully agree that China should not put all its eggs in one basket. Apart from Russophobia driving them to collaborate with the West, a lot of Eastern Europeans are like Hungary and dislike Western European attempts to dictate to them, and China should not push them away by identifying itself too much with Russia and all their historical baggage.