Lieutenant General
I think the timing of all these revelations is highly telling.
These are things that happened over a year ago, with so many participants and done so routinely that there is no way it is only getting out now.
So the key question is why now, and I think that is because the person who is organising these leaks is a leadership challenger who believes that the worst of covid is now basically over.
They didn’t leak these stories before because they didn’t want to topple Boris only to get saddled with the poison chalice of running the country during more covid waves and lockdowns. So they left Boris in place to take all the blame for the inevitable covid fuck ups.
Aside from academic curiosity, this revelation might have practical implications. Because if the above is true, then a possible escape route for Boris would be if the pandemic and/or economy and/or Ukraine situation suddenly got a whole lot worse. So much so that whoever is itching to take over gets second thoughts about how wise it would be to take over now.
I would not be surprised if after his current ‘red meat’ naked bribery tactic fails, Boris puts in place policies to deliberately bring about some or all of the above to save himself from being toppled.
If he survives and stays in power, he has options. If he is toppled now, like this, he is done. I would not be surprised if prison actually comes into the equation for him even.
And so the great British covid sabotage begins.
Everyone go back to work without masks, mix freely without restrictions, while the NHS massive scales back testing for covid. Because Boris needs a fuck load of you all to get sick and die so whoever is manoeuvring to topple him and take over would get scared and back off.