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There's a similar report out of Canada as well that lays down the same talking points and the article in question was written by a person that works for CSIS (Canada's National security intelligence). I think what's being done in Britain and in Canada are all coordinated efforts to sully any dissenting voices (politicians from any political spectrum) to get in line with the program or else. CSIS has been singing this tune for a number of years now and it took Covid-19 pandemic plus the Uyghur b.s. and before that the Hong Kong seditious action to convince Justin "high school teacher" Trudeau to latch into the Anti-China program. A man with a weak mind and was able to gain and win a riding in Quebec was first and foremost due to his father's name and legacy. He's an empty suit not even worthy to be compared to his father's towering legacy in Canada.


Junior Member
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"the americans are unreasonable, give them no options and they will be reasonable"

Once PLA nuclear modernization completed and China has established MAD firmly, the americans will be reasonable
You mean like the way the neocon/neolib US regime is "reasonable" with Russia? You guys still believe that you are dealing with rational people here??? LMAO !!! Newsflash: The US Neocon/Neolib regime is far removed from rationality and reality. Just listen to their "think tanks", "politicians", pundits, regime propagandists, regime propaganda outlets, christian fundamentalists, etc. These people have gone down the deep end a while ago. They are "too far gone". For them, reality does not matter anymore. The only thing that matters for them is "final victory" over any nation that is unwilling to become a US vassal state. These people desire perpetual global US hegemony were their sick ideology (neoliberalism primarily) is basically running every country on this planet. For these people, the end will justify the means.

The only way to deal with neoliberalism / neoconservatism is basically the same you deal with any other destructive far-right imperialist ideology (e.g. Nazism, fascism). Appeasement does not work. Ignoring the threat does not work either. Eventually, reality will assert itself. Sadly, this time nukes are around.


Junior Member
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@Arnies bro my take, NATO expansion and the Neocon dream of balkanizing Russia are finished, and I think there will be a reverse Colored Revolution happening in Eastern Europe except of Poland and the Baltic state as the promise of a better life in EU is a Farce. I'm disappointed in Germany, it had an opportunity to lead a EU third bloc, instead they settled to be an American German shepherd.
Two points: 1) Germany will only be free once their boss (the neocon/neolib US) collapses Soviet Union style. 2) Remember, the neocon/neolib US still occupies Germany and has basically infiltrated all public/political/media institutions in Germany. 70+ years was plenty of time for the US to accomplish all this. I have to admit that i was surprised by the often counterproductive/destructive behavior of Germany when it came to foreign/security policy when it aided and abetted a criminal regime but then I came to realize that point 2 applies.


Lieutenant General
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Turkey funded loads of Islamic schools in Xinjiang back when Erdogan was still on good terms with Gulen.
These were some of the indoctrination centers used to spread Islamism in China. They have since been shut down.

Erdogan still has a dream of a vast Pan-Turkish empire spread all over Central Asia.

I remember reading reports from Russia of Turkey flying militants into Chechnya and supplying them with weapons via helicopter drops back in the Chechen Wars. You had Turkish/US sponsored "East Turkestan" party militants in Chechnya. The Russians are in Syria because they know these dregs, which include the Chechen ISIS branch, would move closer to their border, probably into Chechnya again if they left them alone. Turkey already sent them as mercenaries via Azerbaijan to claw back Nagorno-Karabakh. They have also used them as muscle in the Libyan conflict. Previously they directly employed them against the Kurds in Northeast Syria. So any claims Turkey has no relations with these people, eh, who would believe them.

Turkey is playing a dangerous game on the Russian and Chinese backyards. So far both of these countries have cut Turkey a lot of slack because they see Turkey as an important player in the Eurasian space but they won't accept just anything to happen. Trying to destabilize Kazakhstan was a really low blow which I think pushed their relations almost to breaking point. Kazakhstan is a main hub in the Chinese OBOR project. The railroad route from China to Europe goes through it. The Central Asia–China gas pipeline which is used to power Southern China (Shanghai) with natural gas is fed though it.
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