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Chinese K-pop member gets heat from a number of South Koreans for not kneeling down to fans for a South Korean New Year gesture. They don't care to understand why kneeling is a sensitive thing for the Chinese people.

These racists pigs would accuse Wang Yiren of not respecting South Korean culture. Well, change her out with a white American and they would all suddenly become far more forgiving. Hell they might even defend that Americans don't kneel.

These South Koreans conveniently forget that China is one of the principal markets for K-pop. So they better understand that Sinophobia has a price. Hating on China while its under siege from global racism, the Chinese will remember that.
For the life of me i don't understand koreans and japanese culture of bowing and kneeling, for me this is just the reflection of their feudal mentality which treats people they think lower than you like dirt, similiar to indian casteism

Coincidently or not these bowing and kneeling civilizations was the only asian civilizations that surrendered to the americans and continues to be occupied till today lmao


Registered Member
Agreed. That's why I'm careful to not let words trigger me. I prefer to respond proportionately in kind. With words, I respond with words as oftentimes humor or charm can disarm hostility but escalating a situation may end up out of control, especially if the other guy is a little bitch with a twitchy trigger finger. That is why while I deeply respect people who are very passionate and loyal but I'm also wary of such qualities as emotions can be used by others as bait to be ambushed.
@In4ser Understood life is complicated as it is, sometimes being a clown and naughty had its advantages...lol


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I used to think Dimon was a good banker. but this kind of view is mind boggling. he predicts the US is going to have the best year since the Great Depression. he gives only one piece of evidence: the US customers' balance sheet is the strongest on record.

we all know the strongest balance is due to the fact that Americans used the covid handouts to pay down their debts, and when interest rate is at zero, debt service ratio is supposed to be low. these are by no means intrinsic strength.
Is this the same guy who had big mouth in HK and had to say sorry twice later? The SAR gov. must have regreted greatly for exempting him from the 14 day quarantine on entrance.


Lieutenant General
Jaime Diamond is a cheerleader painting the brightest picture for the US he can and not that he's reporting the truth because it means money. In turn when you see so-called experts claim China's economy is doing bad, the purpose is to turn people off from China because these days money going to China means it's not going to the US and the West. It's not based on the truth and the reality of economics. It's to steer the course in their favor. Previously when the US suffered from a recession, that meant money just turned up in another sector of the US economy that wasn't as in trouble. That's why the recovery time from a recession was about two years. The 2008 Western Financial Crisis took longer than two years and some even argue the US still hasn't fully recovered. Why? Because China was an alternative for money to find a safe-haven especially since China and Asia wasn't as affected as much as the West from 2008. The difference from how they report the economics of the US and China is in the US they ignore how the lives of regular people are getting worse as the rich get richer. In China all they do is report how regular people don't have it as good while ignoring how China has grown to have more billionaires than the US. The reason why they outsource to China is because for Americans to do the work, everything they do cost a lot more. Their money doesn't go as far as Chinese money does. They're hypocrites because this where they choose or not to choose PPP in their favor. When it comes to military budgets, even though China still only spend a fraction of what the US spends, they will use PPP to spin China's military as being closer to how much the US spends but the flip side of that coin means China's economy is a lot bigger than they want it. It's like how they cry "fake news" at the mainstream media but will use that very same mainstream media as a credible source when they say something they want to hear.


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I don't know if there are actually millions of starving Afghans, but it doesn't seem far fetched to expect quite a significant number of impoverished Afghans under crippling US sanctions.

I agree with @victoon said, it wouldn't take that much to avert starvation in a country of only 30 million people. The real problem is how to deliver those supplies.

As for future considerations, the proverb 救急不救穷 comes to mind. Once the immediate crisis is alleviated, then China can work with the Afghanistan government to build economic relations.

There aren't technically sanctions on Afghanistan besides these 10bil locked away in western banks and that is like a friction of Afghanistan's economy. All the countries they trade with they have borders with and don't pay attention to what someone sitting in Washtington has to say example they have expanded trade with Pakistan, Iran, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and China.

Including connectivity projects that comes with railway projects which are under way and such as oil pipelines and in fact two of them. Pakistan's geo-economic interest is tied to Afghanistan which has improved Pakistan's export ever since they came to power.

Besides these 10bil are a friction compared to the money they got from other OIC states after coming to power and they are very resilient could even survive if everyone was to cut trade with them just internally all tho that is unlikely to ever occur but this is just an example I am using they are expanding their farms and will become food independent by 2025 just due to their sheer resilience they could become entirely self-independent by 2025.

They have been thru already a major trial in their struggle for the last 20 years and nothing of this is chellenging for them they have developed an incredible resilience and the capability to survive internal if need be.

But they aren't technically under sanctions of sort because they don't have any linkage to western banks or western influenced areas they are off the gride in that matter.

There is litihum trade potential with China which has already began and I thought it was gonna start first in few years but there are chinese workers in Afghanistan already in some mines but they don't accept foreign troops on their soil hence they provide personale guard for the workers and security


Senior Member
What's really worrying for over sea asian is a large-scale conflict break out between many different groups of people in the US, how likely would such a thing happen?
Quite likely, in the short term watch out for the next election, BLM and trump people might clash

In the long term as america will likely enter stagflation like japan, crime rates will soar to the same level as brazil or mexico


Junior Member
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Quite likely, in the short term watch out for the next election, BLM and trump people might clash

In the long term as america will likely enter stagflation like japan, crime rates will soar to the same level as brazil or mexico

Brazil and Mexico situation is really bad currently especially Mexico which I believe the US will be forced to intervene military and fight the cartels who have compromised the government.

The cartels now openly control swamps of areas inside Mexico where the government has no jurisdiction and I was surprised last time I was there how powerful the cartels have become.

I think Brazil is managable all tho it has alot of gang problems in the favala's but it is managable compared to Mexico the situation is outside of the government hands these drug dealers have grown to powerful because they are feeding the US with drugs? And you know the US has appitite for drugs like nobody else and it could be almost the second biggest industry after the oil industry and feeding a country like the size of the US that is drug hungry you will gain alot of cash and enough to build your own conventional armies and hack I would even say the cartels could make room for a defense budget larger then Mexico itself if they want