Miscellaneous News


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China should be using this argument in the media.
China should just point at the /r/antiwork subreddit on reddit and say "thats what actual forced labor looks like." and just keep doing that over and over until the point is hit home.

Literally Amazon workers died in the Tornado in Kansas and the mid-west because they weren't allowed to go home even though the Tornado warning sirens were going off. Workers literally died because they were forced to stay at work.


Registered Member

Chinese scientists hail success of new hypersonic engine that military ‘did not think would work’​

  • Researchers say a new manufacturing method will allow them to produce high-quality, ultra-modern weapons at a low cost
  • The team adapted a process that has been used to make conventional military equipment for decades, but many doubted it would work for more complex technology
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Registered Member

Chinese scientists hail success of new hypersonic engine that military ‘did not think would work’​

  • Researchers say a new manufacturing method will allow them to produce high-quality, ultra-modern weapons at a low cost
  • The team adapted a process that has been used to make conventional military equipment for decades, but many doubted it would work for more complex technology

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Oh someone is going to get messed up good.


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Yesterday evening the students of St. Petersburg State University received the following "emergency warning" message:

Dear students!

To fulfill the requirements of the Federal Laws dated 12.02.1998 № 28-FZ "On Civil Defense" and dated 21.12.1994 № 68-FZ "On protection of population and territories from emergency situations of natural and man-made character" I bring to you information and Leaflets on the procedure for action of the population on the alert signal "ATTENTION TO ALL!

Notification of the population - bringing to the population the urgent information about the emerging dangers, rules of safe behavior and the order of actions in various situations.

Transmission of warning signals and emergency information to the population is carried out by giving the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL!" by switching on electric, electronic sirens and powerful acoustic systems for up to 3 minutes with subsequent transmission by communication networks (including TV and radio broadcasting communication networks, through radio and television transmission stations of communication operators and broadcasting organizations with interruption of broadcast programs, audio and (or) audio-visual messages for not more than 5 minutes, informing the population about the procedure of alerting and alerting the population.

To ensure the timely transmission of notification signals and emergency information to the population, the following may be used in an integrated manner

networks of electric, electronic sirens and powerful acoustic systems; wire broadcasting networks; street radio networks; cable television and radio broadcasting networks; terrestrial television and radio broadcasting networks; mobile radio telephone networks; local telephone networks, including payphones designed to provide universal telephone services with public address functions; communication operator networks and agency networks; personal radio call systems networks; Internet information and telecommunications network; loudspeakers on mobile phones and other mobile devices; mobile radio and television networks; and other public address networks.

Television channels for receiving alerts:

"First Channel"; "Russia-1"; "Match TV"; NTV; "Petersburg - Channel 5"; "Russia - Culture"; "Russia-24"; "Karusel"; "Russian Public Television"; "TV Center".

Radio Broadcasting Channels for Alert Signals:

Radio Petersburg; Radio Russia; Europe Plus; Radio Baltika; Radio Mayak; Good Radio; Auto Radio.

Leaflets, as well as other methodological materials are published on the website of St. Petersburg State Institution of Additional Professional Education "Training and Methodological Center for Civil Defense and Emergencies"
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in the section "Methodological material for listeners and the public SPb".


Deputy Rector for Security

Dmitry Gryaznov

as well as:

Signal "ATTENTION TO ALL!" Signal is given to draw the attention of the population to the threat of attack by the enemy, as well as in case of an accident, catastrophe or natural disaster. The signal is given both by activation of sirens, loud-speakers, TV and radio broadcasts and by interrupted beeps of vehicles and other means. It is necessary: - having heard the signal immediately turn on the radio, TV and listen to the message about the order of actions; - pass the information received, if possible, to neighbors; - keep calm and order; - act according to the information received.Attention all!" signal may be followed by other signals with information about enemy air attack, chemical contamination, radioactive pollution or catastrophic flooding. Air alarm signal Warns population about the threat of enemy air attack, directly or indirectly through the enemy's aircraft. Disconnect electricity, gas, water, heaters; - Take personal documents, personal protective equipment, foodstuff; - Close windows, windowsills, ventilation devices and doors tightly;
close windows, windows, vents and doors tightly; - take personal documents and personal protective equipment with you, personal safety equipment and food supplies - assist, if necessary, children and the elderly; - leave for civil defense protective structure. Actions while being at the work place. It is necessary: - to fulfill the requirements of the instruction, providing immediate termination of work with accident-free shutdown of equipment and transfer of processes of continuous cycle to a safe mode of operation; - leave for civil defense shelters. In organizations where the technological process or safety requirements can not stop production, remain only on duty shifts.Actions for being in urban transport. It is necessary to: - get out of transport at the place where it stops; - follow the instructions of police posts; - leave for the nearest civil defense protective structure, and in its absence, use natural shelters and underground spaces, including the subway. The population leaves civil defense protective structures with the permission of commandants (chiefs) of shelters and shelters. Workers and employees return to their workplaces and proceed to work. Signal "Chemical Alarm" Given under the threat or immediate detection of chemical or bacteriological contamination.

Actions of the population. It is necessary to: - listen carefully to the content of information about the procedure; - according to instructions quickly put on personal protective equipment; - close windows and doors tightly; - cover slits around doors, vents with wet cloth; - turn off electricity, gas, water, heaters; - have personal documents; - as soon as possible take shelter in a protective structure or go to a specified safe area; - follow recommendations about further actions.In the chemical contamination zone you should stay in a shelter (refuge) to receive medical care; - leave the shelter (shelter) to receive medical treatment. The direction of exit from the contamination zone is indicated by signs, and if there are none, you must go out in a direction perpendicular to the direction of the wind. In the contamination zone you must not take anything from the contaminated area, sit down or lie down on the ground. Even if you are very tired, you must not take off your personal protective equipment, because the surface of your clothes, shoes and protective equipment may be contaminated. Persons who have been injured must immediately give first aid, administer an antidote and treat exposed body parts with the contents of an individual antichemical bag. After treatment, take the casualty to a medical station. Persons who have left the contamination zone must be fully decontaminated and have their clothes decontaminated at special stations.

The "Radiation danger" signal is given when a radioactive cloud threatens or approaches, as well as when radioactive contamination of the territory has formed. Close windows and doors tightly; - Cover gaps around doors, ventilation openings with wet cloths; - Disconnect electricity, gas, water, heaters; - Have personal documents, personal protection equipment, food supplies; - If necessary, help children and elderly people; - Leave for civil defence shelters. In the radioactive contamination zone the population may stay in civil defence shelters for several hours to several days, then they may go to normal premises. It is necessary to: - carefully listen to the contents of the information on the order of actions; - switch off electricity, gas, water, heating devices; - tightly close windows and doors; - quickly put on personal protective equipment as directed; - cover slits around doors and ventilation holes with wet cloth; - take documents, first aid kit, necessary things, food and water reserve, if possible for 3 days; - help children and elderly people; - arrive at the assembly area specified in the message; - evacuate to a safe area or temporary accommodation of the population.

This is serious business folks. The US threat to Russia, Europe and the rest of the world (including CHINA) is real! I do not want to be alarmist but this is actually starting to seriously worry me. I hope there are still some sane people in the US.


Registered Member
So which German car companies are getting displaced by Chinese EV companies?
Wouldn't be surprised many are on the chopping block, when China is over half of their revenue it means they have already made the debts to create the productive forces to supply demand.

What if that demand gets eroded you still have the debts to pay off but not the revenue to pay off those debts kind of like the Evergrand situation. They will have to sell their chinese factories to chinese brands and their western factories to Tesla.


Registered Member
So which German car companies are getting displaced by Chinese EV companies?
A lot of them. China's overall car demand remains stable while EV's demand is growing tremendously. Thats means that EV demandI is eating into ICE's sales which is where Germany is dominant.

We are still at relatively low numbers to make a big impact but 2022 and 2023 will inflict a lot of damage to German car manufacturers.

Yes they have their own EV models, but Chinese EV manufacturers are wiping the floor on them. This is going to be bad for Germany
There is also the matter of the EV supply chain being China dominant. ICE supply chain which Germany-dominant is getting thrown out of the window with the EV sector growing.

All in all, German automakers are going to have a low of pressure in the coming years