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Reposted from someone on PDF

Modern China had two great teachers to make it what it is today.

The USSR taught China how to form a state. It taught China how to use revolutionary ideals to reform a country and how to form a powerful modern state capable of defending its independence. From 1949 to 1978, China was a student in the Soviet school.

The US taught China how to become rich. The US taught China the ways of capitalism, modern finance, business management and corporate practices. This is where modern China gets her enormous vibrancy. From 1979 to 2012, China was a student in the American school.

It is only because China took the best out of each of the most powerful superpowers in the past century that it has enormous strength and energy today.
Of course, PDF....

1949-1978? China no longer was a student of 'Soviet school' since the Sino-Soviet Split in 1960s. Also, PRC built upon the pillars of a modern republic established by Sun Yat Sen, PRC only borrow Soviet's Marxist-Leninist ideas, but the bedrock of a modern republic was laid down decades as early as 1912, way before 1949. Sure, Soviet provided aid in industrialization, but the foundation of a modern state was created during Minguo era. Even Minguo borrowed heavy influence from Japan/Europe, not Soviet.

No, China did not learn from US to become rich. China actually copied the export-oriented economy pioneered by Japan and strong protectionism, and later copied successfully by Four Asian Tigers (South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore). China learned from Japanese export-oriented industrialization and it's protectionism. It was also highly fueled by FDI coming from overseas Chinese (HK, Taiwan) too. China copied the Zaibatsu/Chaebol strategy of cultivating domestic titans with strong protectionism from Korea/Japan.


Lieutenant General
Five Eyes still whining that the world is not following their lead... Canada must really be hurting economically because why whine if they don't need China as the West claims? If they're not united after having 100 year alliances, they're in serious trouble. It shows how they're not in control of the world as much as they like to be. It basically comes down to the fact that economics rules not ideology. As they tease China has no allies so how can they not be able to unite? In a non-imperialist world, they have to show a front that they respect others by supposedly treating them as equals meaning they cannot give out orders and expect others to obey if it works against their own self-interests. It's ironic that they tease a lavish lifestyle to get countries to follow, yet they need to make money through trade in order to get it and not upholding ideology. They cannot invade in order to get it for free. They can't even follow what they supposedly believe in so why should anyone else have to?

They can proclaim they believe in this or that because they can afford to because they never faced a peer challenger. But now because there is challenger, what they say they believe in is actual in their way. Why do you think democracy is in question in the West? Their trade system of "equals" prevents them from having the unequal power they need to to give out orders and have blind obedience from others. Why did they think they could maintain power when they supposedly see everyone as equals? They they thought everyone else were inferior to them so despite supposedly claiming everyone is treated with equal respect, others' inferiority was going to keep them in the superior position. Enter China whose modern rise did not come through invasion or action that requires a military response for them to stop it. China has done nothing that requires them to act. They pass laws to ban imports from Xinjiang. Why not all of China since genocide is the charge? Not serious enough for them or not happening at all where they charge people are being slaughtered and murdered just because of their ethnicity? They still want to be able to make money from China despite charges of genocide. That says more about how more despicable they are than China.


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Registered Member
But by his logic, Xi can summon Modi to attend the Winter Olympics
Does Xi even have any reason to meet Modi?...

Modi showed his cards by attacking China when he thought China was at its weakest. Only reason for Xi to meet Modi is for Modi to beg for forgiveness

Usual Indian delusions. Modi can or cannot come. I don't think Xi is particularly bothered by Modi's crazy mood swings
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