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German companies to choose Lithuania over China? What? Why? This has gotta be a real comedy piece.

Germany is still choosing Russia, over the USA for their energy needs. They are still not sold over those 'Freedom Gas'. They are not afraid of 'energy bullying' from Russia.

Human rights don't put food on the table. Human rights don't keep your lights on, and your winters warm. Human rights don't pay your bills. The Germans know that. So what's gonna happen is, China can squeeze Lithuania hard with impunity, and Russia is more than happy to pile on the pain. While the EU just gives some lip-service to Lithuania. Just let the fool continue being the fool.

Ideally Lithuania should be nipped in the buds because now we are seeing Slovakia and other Eastern European states doing similar things. Time will tell whether the Chinese response is sufficient.


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I feel that Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar will fall deeper into China's orbit. Maybe even Thailand with the color revolution "milk tea alliance" also causing trouble there

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The ridiculous part of the arm embargo is that

"According to a report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, the United States is not a supplier of arms to Cambodia."

This is another example of Biden's boycott of winter Olympic, he was never invited. Empty act.


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Brazzers sign is photo shopped.
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Photo without PS. From Sputinik Polish
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He's talking about the inter-EU solidarity, this quote essentially means that the EU is pissed off about Lithuania and is unlikely to take severe measures & would rather stay at the minimum to save face.

As for Aussieland - no one gives a crap about the penal colony. They have a third-world economic complexity and all their shit is extremely easy to replace, that's why they got cucked by the US and EU so quickly - it does not take much time to import pork, coal, lobsters, and other "high-tech" products that Australia is able to produce. From what I've seen, China will be shifting away from Aussie iron ore too (for Brazil & Africa most likely, the former already increased the exports), while tourism and education sectors also taking a hit due to COVID-19 & rampant anti-Asian racism in Australia.
I for one will love to witness the misplaced penal colony nearby to Asian Continent regresses back to its previous state in order to find its true self... I visited Perth in 1998, it's still a less developed place at that time, and life there was pretty quiet, at 8pm local time hardly any store was still open. The mining booming changed many things, the miracle of China pulled that penal colony to its current state, but those ruling elites in Canberra have forgotten the past... thus the regress will be necessary to wake up the people there and kick out all the rotten politicians, otherwise let it sink!


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A polish report on the deserted Polish solider. From the machine translation, it seems that it is confirmed and the Polish army is very pissed off.
At least three persons lost their positions because of this desertion :)

"...the Ministry of National Defense reported that the soldier's superiors were dismissed from their posts. It is about "the battery commander, platoon commander and commander of the 2nd squadron in Węgorzewo".


Registered Member
Ideally Lithuania should be nipped in the buds because now we are seeing Slovakia and other Eastern European states doing similar things. Time will tell whether the Chinese response is sufficient.
Yep. And China is treading in uncharted water with this.

At the beginning, there will be European companies choosing "rights" over profit and the western MSM will make big fuss for them. China must follow up timely and make a few good examples.

China has said it is a red line to not cross over. China better makes sure that those who crossed really hurt.


Junior Member
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German companies to choose Lithuania over China? What? Why? This has gotta be a real comedy piece.
Naa they're not choosing Lithuania .More like they're frustrated with being involved in this mess which was created by Lithuania. Thats why this statement.
However, in a swipe at Lithuania for bolstering ties with Taiwan, a move that precipitated the crisis, it criticised individual states that were “out of step” with EU policy. China is Germany’s biggest trading partner, with €213bn in goods exchanged in 2020. “It remains important to maintain economic relations with China on a high level,” the BDI said
German companies aren't exactly used to implement unofficial embargos hence the whining.

Also through this move China is already testing the new Govt in Germany and trying to gauge their reaction. Notice how China issued instructions to German companies just days after Merkel left office. Xi had a good rapport with her and waited for the new guys to face the music instead.