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Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
A very interesting watch as the new Mia Mottley PM of Barbados puts the BBC host in her place in a discussion about China's place in the Caribbean.

So much pwnage.

The Barbados PM speaks the truth!

The West looks down on devleoping countries as "pawns", instead of recognizing them as SOVEREIGN nations that can choose their own destiny (which is interacting peacefully and voluntarily with a rich and powerful nation like China). These nations KNOW their own self-interests, and don't need the DAMN WEST patronizing them and infantanizing their behavior as if they are TOO DUMB to make a good choice. Fuck the West and their patronizing superior attitude.

THIS IS WHY THE WORLD WELCOME'S CHINA'S RISE, because it affords them an alternative to Western hegemony and dominance. Westerners fearmongering about China hegemony is just total pure projection, because if they did the a) territorial size of China, b) population size of China, c) storied civilization history of China) , and d) intellectual/work ethic of China, they would have used that to conquer the whole world already. They are projecting.


Senior Member
Registered Member
I never figured out what this Summit for Democracy was suppose to be, or what it was suppose to accomplish.

Sure, if the United States want to demonstrate to the world, that they still got friends, that is fine. China and Russia willingly acknowledges that.

But it appears the United States is unwilling to believe that it closest allies themselves also have partners and collaborates with China and Russia.

If the plan is confused and muddled, there will be no buy in.
They should have behaved like Bush Jr in 2001 and given the ultimatum during the congregation:

'You are either with us or against us'

to their willing democratic vassals, oops err, allies


Junior Member
Registered Member
At this point all products made in Xinjiang should be directed for domestic market only, and China should also move some of rare earth processing in Xinjiang, lets see how long will their sanctions/embargo last lol
That would also play into white american hands; they'd give their own companies waivers and sanction foreign nations which used Xinjiang products unless those companies get certified by interest groups run by the children of USG ruling class elites.
That's how the scam works, the anglos simply took a variation of medieval church style Indulgences and applied it to modern life, that's also how their carbon credits and carbon trading schemes work.


Registered Member
Here is your $300,000 American prosperous society acting right now @Hendrik_2000 the man shot an American of Chinese descent 22 times because he thought $300,000 was too much for him eh..or how about the Amazon employees in Illinois (the home state of Obama and Lincoln) where a former IRAQI WAR VETERAN was essentially forced to work despite the hurricane warning and subsequently died from the collapse of the warehouse from the said hurricane like weather.



Lieutenant General
Registered Member
A couple days old. But for a couple minutes I thought this video had been produced by The Onion.

It would be pathetic if not for the fact people fall for this political spiel. That makes it tragic.
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