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Lacking check and balance.
That is a Western principle and not necessarily a correct one. Your whole body responds to commands from your head. It moves instantaneously without checks and balances. If those were added, you'd have many heads, and they'd argue all day and your body would move like like a robot with arthritis whenever it's not fighting itself. China's system is more efficient.
First rule of the day is that to expect people respecting you, you have to respect yourself first.
First rule of the day is don't act like a psycho overreacting to everything with your military.
That is what the Israeli did.
So? What did they get? China's the only country that can rise to challenge the US. Who's Israel?
It is not matter of semantic whether they live inside or outside China the rest of the world consider it as Chinese.
It's a matter of legality, logistics and sanity. You cannot invade another nation because you don't like what's happened in it even if it involves your citizens. You issue a travel advisory.
So if someone spite you and you did nothing where is the respect?
When you win the conflict seemingly effortlessly, that's the respect. You jumping into a pig pen and wrestling every yahoo that waddles your way is how you lose respect.
We seen this in trade war in Taiwan dispute, China just didn't respond to challenge.
And it wins like that.
It is like boxing match your opponent keep hitting you and you did nothing?
Head movement and blocking. Your opponent's winded and you're still dancing. You don't even have to throw; he know's he's your inferior. That's how China won the trade war with the US. Not jumping up and down like an angry monkey.
No wonder even this low life Indian mock China
That's evidence that China's doing well. If you act in a way that makes Indians proud, you're in trouble.
I agree with both of you, china might give lip service to overseas Chinese and that's it , foreigners get better treatment in china than any Chinese that's why the Chinese always get picked on
Cultural difference. It's easy to bully a foreigner in your country but Chinese show hospitality where we are strong and our rivals are weak. That is grace. Westerners think treating a guest in their house like a second class citizen makes them feel big. That's due to their insecurities.
You are absolutely right that's why the Chinese always get picked on, easy target with no consequence.
Awwww, you must have had such a tough life, always picked on, fighting, overseas, and you want the CCP to give you a nice free apartment back in China LOLOL
So get hold of your wishful thinking and figment of imagination.
The biggest imagination here is yours dreaming that China fulfill your bully boy fantasies.
It is the same with other meme from knee jerk supporter of CCP
Can't help support what's right all the time.
You owe us blood debt and you must pay back ingrate!
Nope, pull your own weight, nobody owes you anything. Not paying you jack. What are you gonna do about it? Bang out more angry notes online? LOL
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Biden-Putin Talk Tuesday With Xi in the Wings (2021/12/06)

It was clear that the new phenomenon of Russia-China entente would dwarf the significance of less important issues; and we could not be sure Biden would be appropriately informed.

Clearly, President Biden did not get the word – or maybe forgot. Here is the bizarre way Biden described, at his post-summit presser, his decades-behind-the-times approach to Putin on China:

"Without quoting him [Putin] – which I don’t think is appropriate – let me ask a rhetorical question: You got a multi-thousand-mile border with China. China is seeking to be the most powerful economy in the world and the largest and the most powerful military in the world."

At the airport, Biden’s co-travelers did their best to whisk him onto the plane, but failed to stop him from sharing more of his views on China – this time on China’s strategic "squeezing" of Russia:

"Let me choose my words. Russia is in a very, very difficult spot right now. They are being squeezed by China."

Is President Biden still out to lunch on this key issue? Have his rising-junior advisers sought out new textbooks, updated from the ones they may have read in the 70s and 80s, and learned that Russia and China have never been closer – that, indeed, they have what amounts to a virtual military alliance?

In an email exchange over the weekend, I asked for any additional views Amb. Freeman might have, as Biden prepares for his virtual summit with Putin on Tuesday. With Chas’s permission I offer them below:

"… It is clear that the Sino-Russian entente is expanding under the pressure of US threats to both. Nothing will happen on either Taiwan or Ukraine without coordination between Beijing and Moscow. But our fantasy authoritarian plot to counter the US ideology of democracy is being made real by the “democracy summit.” This has sought to weaponize Taiwan ideologically against China and led to the
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that attempts to puncture our pretensions and oppose our messianism about democracy.

"My guess is that there will now be a much larger permanent Russian military presence on the Ukraine border but that, barring provocations by nutcases in Ukraine, there will be no invasion. Instead, Russia will settle for having achieved a firm basis for a strategic surprise, when and if that becomes necessary. Just so, China has probably made no decision about Taiwan but is preparing the battlespace for the moment it may have to do so. Both China and Russia are acting in parallel to develop military options they had not previously sought. … regarding Russia’s [Mach 9] Zircon missile: it is paralleled by China’s effort to develop a much more credible nuclear strike capability against the US"

"These moves are a classic diplomatic use of a military threat to compel a negotiated reduction of tensions. Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov paralleled China’s to diplomat Wang Yi at Rome, when Lavrov later met Blinken in Stockholm. Wang Yi demanded that the US side commit to ‘a genuine one-China policy, not a fake one, that the US fulfill its commitments to China, and that the US truly implement the one-China policy, instead of saying one thing but doing another.’

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About the author: Ray McGovern (born 1939), he works with Tell the Word, the publishing arm of the ecumenical Church of the Saviour in inner-city Washington. In the Sixties he served as an infantry/intelligence officer and then became a CIA analyst for the next 27 years (from 1963 to 1990) includes serving as Chief of the Soviet Foreign Policy Branch and preparer/briefer of the President’s Daily Brief. He is co-founder and on the Steering Group of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS).

Chas W. Freeman, Jr. (born 1943) is a former diplomat of the United States for over 30 years, wrote briefings for Henry Kissinger's secret trips to China, and main interpreter for Richard Nixon in his trip to China in 1972.
His own blog -- collection of his writings, filter 'China'
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The approaching Beijing Winter Olympics - the most divisive games since the 1936 Berlin Olympics - face several challenges: Boycott calls in the West; a
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with more than one million detainees in Xinjiang; the new omicron variant of COVID-19; and a silenced #MeToo accuser, Peng Shuai, who is China's top tennis player. No wonder Beijing is lobbying U.S. businesses,
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that they cannot expect to make money in China if they stay silent.

The calls for a coordinated boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics (labeled by critics the "Genocide Games") raise the question of whether such action can help influence China's behavior under a president whose record in power is increasingly drawing comparisons to the past century's most brutal rulers.

Robert O'Brien, national security adviser to then-President Trump, last year
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Xi Jinping to Soviet dictator Josef Stalin. Some
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have compared Xi to Adolf Hitler, even coining the nickname "
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." Xi, for his part, has cultivated a Mao Zedong-style personality cult and embarked on completing the expansionist agenda that the communist China's founder left unfinished.

A destructive imperialist neo-fascist regime compares the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics to the 1936 Berlin Olympics. These people (really fundamentalists/extremists) have lost touch with reality a long time ago. Frightening fact: These nutcases are in possession of thousands of nuclear weapons.

Seriously, what will the free world do to confront the threat the neocon/neolib US poses to the world ?
Written by a person that rhymes with a certain Jai Hind flavour. This dude is a walking talking Jai unhinged personified. Anything This unhinged fellow writes on China is to be laughed at and the paper to be used for picking up dog poop.


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I wonder whether there is complete ban on trade or only on Lithuanian exports. Ban on Chinese exports to Lithuania would be more impactful as it would disrupt supply chain in that country and raise costs.
From custom procedural perspective, Lithuania does not exist, therefor it is impossible for Chinese trader to export to Lithuania as well. Export also need custom clearance. For example, China had imposed export tariff before, also has export-refund on some goods, that means all export goods have to be processed by custom.

Banning on Chinese export to Lithuania is nothing is not the same as banning goods passing through Lithuania. It is only banning Lithuania as a origin and final destination. So there is no impact on the Chinese side.


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You owe us blood debt and you must pay back ingrate! Those Chinese in Congo are Chinese citizen if you bother to care Yes we have overseas chinese representative in national congress , We also have overseas Chinese directorate with ministerial level So it is recognition that overseas Chinese is part of Chinese nation period! You fool!
Lol the man has become part of the Chinese woke movement!! Jeebus. What's happened to your lucid, cogent way of expressing your thoughts and even ideas that we disagree on. You need some rest or sleep dude. Take it easy, hope all is well on your end.


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On one hand, Russia is literally helping China to build its early warning system (highly highly sensitive thing). On the other hand, Russia is getting "squeezed by China" lol
And one may add few more significant items.... who lent a financial hand to Russia when Washington banned the US companies from buying Russian bond several years ago?

Who signed many-billion-dollar 30-year-energy contract with Russia, built gas pipeline jointly that Russia could no longer be dictated by its main gas customer in EU?

and the Ukraine saga itself... the Rus Slav brethren of Russia, the bedrock of the Russian cultural origin... who will forget the Nuland cookies?

what are the professional, highly paid, career politicians doing in D.C. to ever miss these very simple facts... who did they think are the great fool to convey such moronic notion? Do they really believe the Russian leaders are that stupid?

~unbelievable~ lmao!