The fact of the matter is the US is losing and their make-believe world is crumbling. They talk of freedom and then enslave everyone they can get their hands on. They talk of democracy and then overthrow every elected government that wants to do whats best for their own people instead of the US. They talk of peace and then invade whatever country they feel like.
The problem is that there are several other leaders of countries who're able to benefit from this arrangement, so they follow along, (SEE: AUKUS) and this gives the US narrative of "killing you, enslaving your children is for your own benefit" - of course, there's several countries who've seen the truth behind it all but there's not enough of them - results of the near-genocidal enthusiasm the US has had in killing their people.
China is a beacon of hope for those who value the truth because they've been able to show, quite comprehensively, that you don't have to submit yourself to Western enslavement to prosper, and thus this makes China dangerous.