Their grooming that b word as their next Ahmed Chalabi, Asshat Ghani, Saddam Hussein, Pinochet and the list goes on. The man is going to Saveur the moment and limelight where he's going to oh so predictably make emotive pronouncements on the beauty of American democracy being the light amidst the looming shadow of authoritarianism and then will inevitably mention H.K. (as if it's ever a separate entity or country that belong to the west) and it's struggle for Democracy, human rights and followed by crocodile tears while mentioning his dreams and inspiration comes from knowing that America and it's most noblest of cause to bring freedom to the world is what's keep people like him going along with the dreams and hope of the many people like him who will never stop believing in the power of freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness....will then be followed by Western media write ups in the N.Y.T. Washington Post, Vox media, Vice media, HBO clowns like Bill Maher, that British comedian Oliver, amplified by intellectual comedians such as Trevor Noah, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, the bazillion anti-China channels on YouTube and then by the combined Anglo-Saxon media plus Europe big 5 countries.
Then these same losers will self-congratulate themselves blindly assuming that China has been severely "shaken" and is now reacting towards some bizarre actions that would solidify the western views about China. But China wouldn't give a 2 bleeping bleep on that self- flagellation America and the rest of it's rhetoric allies say because China recognize that what matters the most in the end are actions and outcome. Two important metrics or components that have no relevance or use to the increasingly disconnected America and her cohorts. No wonder western countries are looking for a common single enemy hoping to coalesce it's own people into unity of purpose and mission and that's to beat the godless commies. Yahoo!!!