I mean there's not much China can do. I'm not sure if going sensationalist is to the long term advantage.
You could create the Ministry of Zhao Lijian to do PR blitzes.
But really actions speak louder than words. Eventually people will realize China ain't so bad. It's just that it's going to take another ten years for it to happen.
China wasn't born with a forked tongue. I don't think it should be forking its clean tongue.
Plus China is disadvantaged by having to lug its pair of hundred pound balls of titanium everywhere it goes
Well. Tom Fowdy perhaps deserved some heat for criticising CGTN and Chinese media, abit too harshly. But his criticism does have a point.
The Chinese media doesn't need to become like India's. But they can follow the Russian example. The Russian media is not 100% free as RT likes to boast about. But they have a way of portraying themselves as 'free'.
The no. 1 problem for the Chinese media is presentation. Their content has far more truths than the Western MSM. But their presentation is quite amaturerish. Making it look quite often like cringeworthy propaganda.
As I've said in a post some time ago. Chinese media lectures the message to their viewers. But the Western media leads their viewers to the message. Hence the Western media looks far more organic, even when they are telling you straight up lies. This is a problem of the production. Not the Chinese propaganda.
CGTN might need to bring in an Editor from a more established media like SCMP. Screen that person and ensure that he/she tows the party line. Then allow the Editor to do his/her work with the production team to come out with more professional level propaganda.
Some might criticise this as hypocritical. But which national news media in the world is ever truly free? They all have a state to serve first.