Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
They could have said no "allegations or report has being made to the relevant authorities" no laws were broken and the incident being reported is not only fake news but a product of a very fantasy concucted by a western publication. Which is sadly has been typical of western reporting. It's no wonder that the trust of western and especially American public to their media is at an all time low for producing nothing but click baits.
China takes it laws and the protection of all it's citizens regardless of social standing very very seriously and will assiduously investigate any wrong doings of any and all officials if found to be guilty according to the evidence not hearsay. This is China and not the west and we will take actions according to our own rules and regulations not to the timeline and expectations of the west.

There will be no further comments regarding the private matter between these individuals. The western media if it can help itself ought to respect their rights to privacy something that you (West) are so good at complaining about against China's so called lack of privacy. Unless of course this episode will be yet another sign of western hypocrisy and or rules based order that's designed to be followed by others but not by you.

Next question.
Is that better than just ignoring the post? The Chinese government doesn't need to issue a press release for every slanderous social media post.
While I do not disagree with what you and many of criticism here,. The more disgraceful and shameless acts are committed by the western actors that undermines and violates Peng's privacy, human rights and interest.
Under different circumstance whenever it fits the western rule of order,. These same actors would be prosecuting Ms. Peng for being Chinese with link to CCP.


Registered Member
That's why China needs to be strong (hard power matters) and work together with many other countries (soft power matters), and it will prevent another Opium 3.0. IMHO, Qing Dynasty lost the Opium war because Qing dynasty was too close minded and thought it had everything already so no need to improve. But was it Qing Dynasty fault? No. The one who started the war was British and also the one who started selling that opium, but just if at that time Qing Dynasty was strong and open minded to learn from others and improve their war machines, I think that war will be won by Qing Dynasty. China has learnt from that mistake, if you think they can repeat that Opium War again, then we will see who will win this time.
This is the reality right now.



Registered Member
This is the reality right now.

And these Chinese freedom loving idiots learn a taste of what freedom in America truly means. Stop immigrating to America when you know the potential of crimes against Chinese is at an almost all time high. And when the potential military conflict happens between America and China then this kind of incident will just zoom to even greater heights and unfortunately Asians/Chinese will be on the receiving end regardless of how well spoken or well verse you are in English.


Junior Member
This is the reality right now.

And what is your suggestion to prevent that from happening? All East Asian looking faces (Korean, Japanese, Mongolian, South East Asian, etc) are now facing discrimination in the USA or other western countries but this is not just happening because of China. Even supposed US allies like when Japanese or South Korean rose to economic power, many East Asian looking faces also face the same, example:

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Even long before that, many Chinese diaspora also face discrimination/massacre in their adoptive countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, etc
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Registered Member
And what is your suggestion to prevent that from happening? All East Asian looking faces (Korean, Japanese, Mongolian, South East Asian, etc) are now facing discrimination in the USA or other western countries but this is not just happening because of China. Even supposed US allies like when Japanese or South Korean rose to economic power, many East Asian looking faces also face the same, example:

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Even long before that, many Chinese diaspora also face discrimination/massacre in their adoptive countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, etc
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Agree to disagree.