Is that better than just ignoring the post? The Chinese government doesn't need to issue a press release for every slanderous social media post.They could have said no "allegations or report has being made to the relevant authorities" no laws were broken and the incident being reported is not only fake news but a product of a very fantasy concucted by a western publication. Which is sadly has been typical of western reporting. It's no wonder that the trust of western and especially American public to their media is at an all time low for producing nothing but click baits.
China takes it laws and the protection of all it's citizens regardless of social standing very very seriously and will assiduously investigate any wrong doings of any and all officials if found to be guilty according to the evidence not hearsay. This is China and not the west and we will take actions according to our own rules and regulations not to the timeline and expectations of the west.
There will be no further comments regarding the private matter between these individuals. The western media if it can help itself ought to respect their rights to privacy something that you (West) are so good at complaining about against China's so called lack of privacy. Unless of course this episode will be yet another sign of western hypocrisy and or rules based order that's designed to be followed by others but not by you.
Next question.