I believe that while China should be prepared to use the military, it should be when there is an out right succesion happening and their is no other option. That I am sure Putin can easily understand because the USA is forcing this one but really, it would be correct to use the economic option first because this one is the less destructive (in terms of human lives that is) and it is ultimately doing a good job in convince an increasing amount of Taiwanese that the leadership is simply incompetent. It is better to maintain China’s current trajectory as what Putin is hinting at but at the same time, when push comes to shove, the military should always be on stand by regardless and also note that what is said on camera isn’t necessarily the complete story, after all Putin and Xi are on regular talks given how often they are attacked by the west so often right now, they are coordinating their efforts to handle both fronts. In the end Putin is simply reminding China not to be reckless, but then again China already knows this. What’s more, this should be a fore shadowing in regards to the method that China is right now using to bring down the USA but then again since when did the west ever take Putin seriously until it is too late. Right now Russia and China are positioning themselves in a manner that the west have to rely on them for Gas/energy and goods and resource respectively to the extent that either nation suddenly cutting off both at the right time (again this is an extreme option when no other cards be played) will devastate the western world so much that they will consider turn on one another due to desperation. Out of all the nations right now, only China and Russia are coordinating themselves to face the new world while the collective west are currently unravelling at a breakneck pace so really their is no point (provided there are no surprises) to break the current trend on Russia’s and China’s end unless the USA really goes to war which really is becoming a possibility the more mistakes that the leadership makes (this whole year is becoming a train wreck for America with no bright spots available) then China and Russia should team up to crush them hard so they can finally be free of this global menace that has plagued them both for centuries.I believe this perspective is incorrect. In my opinion, Putin is hinting to the Chinese to use their economic might to cripple Taiwan and its benefactors. If you are starving and have no means to get food, no matter how much pride you have, you ultimately have to beg. Using the military to reunify Taiwan should be the very last option after ALL of the others are used up.
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