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Pleading guilty in those Kangaroo courts of America means nothing. History will see this as a case of kidnapping.

Also once Meng returns , China should go ahead and hang those Canadian spies. That sissy Trudeau should get punished for being an American lapdog.
And make sure Canada turns even more Anti China? The two Michaels ought to be given proper trials. Its naive to hope Canada be not Anti-China in the end but that doesn't mean China has to put the heat under Canada from the get go. Making the dynamics within the "Allies" complex and ensuring disagreements regarding their approach to China itself might be a big win.

The snub at France due to AUKUS is good in a similar vein. Germany is still unsure. Eastern and Central Europe along with countries like Portugal, Greece etc are not very sure about their China strategy either. The disunity and turbulence among the countries will only bring benefits.

A multipolar world is one which is disunited and which has differing opinions and Interests. China can prosper well in such a world.


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And make sure Canada turns even more Anti China? The two Michaels ought to be given proper trials. Its naive to hope Canada be not Anti-China in the end but that doesn't mean China has to put the heat under Canada from the get go. Making the dynamics within the "Allies" complex and ensuring disagreements regarding their approach to China itself might be a big win.

The snub at France due to AUKUS is good in a similar vein. Germany is still unsure. Eastern and Central Europe along with countries like Portugal, Greece etc are not very sure about their China strategy either. The disunity and turbulence among the countries will only bring benefits.

A multipolar world is one which is disunited and which has differing opinions and Interests. China can prosper well in such a world.
It’s more like one Canadian at this point. One of them has been sentenced:
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Hmmm, this is an interesting development if true. We were at a deadlock where Canada was going to have to choose the US or China and leave one side in total fury with the US shouting at Canada's betrayal and China declaring Canada an imperialist US dog and forever enemy should they be the losing side. I don't know how many talks went on behind the scenes to make this happen but if Meng goes to virtual court in Brooklyn and is acquited, the US saves face by saying that she went to American court and America made the call to let her go and China can say that her extradition failed, they couldn't get any charges to stick and she is safely back home. Canada gets out of that tight squeeze in as good a shape as any Canadian can hope for. If they learn, next time, they'll know to call the person and warn them to stay out of Canada should there be another American request that would repeat the situation.

One thing is unchanged: I still hate Canada and avoid thier products whenever I have the option (although my girlfriend seems to be addicted to arctic surf clams for some reason... we'll have to work on that...).

Additionally, both can blame HSBC for misleading the US and withholding information. That way, both parties admit no wrongdoing.


Registered Member
Pleading guilty in those Kangaroo courts of America means nothing. History will see this as a case of kidnapping.

Also once Meng returns , China should go ahead and hang those Canadian spies. That sissy Trudeau should get punished for being an American lapdog.
I think that China should do a proper trial for the Canadian spies, and then find them guilty. We all know that they are spies, no need for Canada to start complaining about the truth.

Then if Canada wants to have them back, it can talk to China to see if it is possible to expell them from the country.

This would go along with Xi's concept of rule of law in China. Trial, Sentence, Appeal proccess and then expell for any diplomatic gains. This would be according to the rule of law.

Not the first time that spies are sent back to their country. It happened all the time during the Cold War, and still happening now


Registered Member
I think that China should do a proper trial for the Canadian spies, and then find them guilty. We all know that they are spies, no need for Canada to start complaining about the truth.

Then if Canada wants to have them back, it can talk to China to see if it is possible to expell them from the country.

This would go along with Xi's concept of rule of law in China. Trial, Sentence, Appeal proccess and then expell for any diplomatic gains. This would be according to the rule of law.

Not the first time that spies are sent back to their country. It happened all the time during the Cold War, and still happening now
Who is 'We'? We the people of SDF? maybe...

However, I would say almost all Canadians believe they are innocent people being held hostage by a hostile government.
The media exclusively portrays them as such.

There are two major logical elements that tell us otherwise.

1. There are thousands of Canadian Nationals in China. According to the government, 300,000 in HK alone (Now 299,999 entertainer Nicholas Tse just renounced his citizenship). Why would the Chinese government just choose two completely innocent people at random rather than target some people with some hard value?

2. One of the detained Canadians works for the shadowy NGO "International Crisis Group". Putting aside the conspiracy theories that come with being associated with George Soros (he was a founder), this group doesn't do any actual work other than produce reports for countries that get invaded (Libya, Syria, etc.). When talking about NGO, people often think of Red Cross or something charitable, but this is not the case for ICG.

Average people do not make these connections... if they did, there would be a more nuanced view of what it going on in Xinjiang. The obvious fact being that any real genocide would create a massive refugee situation and not have people sitting at home waiting to be taken away.


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And make sure Canada turns even more Anti China? The two Michaels ought to be given proper trials. Its naive to hope Canada be not Anti-China in the end but that doesn't mean China has to put the heat under Canada from the get go. Making the dynamics within the "Allies" complex and ensuring disagreements regarding their approach to China itself might be a big win.

The snub at France due to AUKUS is good in a similar vein. Germany is still unsure. Eastern and Central Europe along with countries like Portugal, Greece etc are not very sure about their China strategy either. The disunity and turbulence among the countries will only bring benefits.

A multipolar world is one which is disunited and which has differing opinions and Interests. China can prosper well in such a world.
Once Ms. Meng has returned to China, regarding the CAN prisoners China should do what best serves its national interests from all aspects of consideration. Only the decision makers know incl. the crime severity of the two Michaels. Or any back room deal etc. All others can only speculate. There are so many IF clauses.

If one spends some time reading the comments at the Globe & Mail's
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he will see various positions, with blaming China as the most for they said the two Michaels are innocents; some are blaming US; and few come into realization that CAN itself ain't a superpower or even a major power :), being engaged in this matter is certainly a loss, and some sane comments though most aren't, CAN internal politic plays, etc.


Registered Member
It don't matter because China has exposed the dirty side of doing business with the US or the West.
It also proved how the US was ready to abuse its extradition treaties to target its rival and thus putting a 3rd country in hot water.

Another successful salami-slicing on the US power. This time extradiction treaties with US will be examined very carefully with a lot of conditions before any country signs it with the US


Registered Member
Once Ms. Meng has returned to China, regarding the CAN prisoners China should do what best serves its national interests from all aspects of consideration. Only the decision makers know incl. the crime severity of the two Michaels. Or any back room deal etc. All others can only speculate. There are so many IF clauses.

If one spends some time reading the comments at the Globe & Mail's
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he will see various positions, with blaming China as the most for they said the two Michaels are innocents; some are blaming US; and few come into realization that CAN itself ain't a superpower or even a major power :), being engaged in this matter is certainly a loss, and some sane comments though most aren't, CAN internal politic plays, etc.
I find the comment section hilarious and just goes to show how out of touch and out of depth most of these Canadians are from power politics. I mean the most vociferous anti-China critics are spitting trade demands for their government to simply ban all the students that come to their country; ban all Huawei products; stop all the trade between 2 countries since they could apparently find "Democratic countries" to buy their Canadian goodies (sadled with Australian delusions) etc.. this comment I copied and pasted is somewhat interesting to read because it goes to show how this scenario is the most likely or plausible outcome or at least that's what they're hoping for.

bob Adamson wrote:

8 minutes ago

It's encouraging that most of those commenting concerning this article realize that specific reference to the 2 Michaels was never going to appear in any US/China plea-bargaining agreement. The Chinese Government has always asserted that the prosecutions of each of the 2 Michaels was not a quid pro quo for the Meng extradition proceeding. It follows, that China will never explicitly acknowledge that the Michaels prosecutions were brought on trumped-up charges.

As others have noted, settlement of the Meng case does greatly increase the prospect that China will soon, quietly expel the Michaels. It now serves no purpose for China to drag out the Michaels's saga. It does serve China's interests to ratchet down its confrontation with much of the international community. This is especially so now as China appears to be experiencing economic problems.