Another Australian garbage article.
Two large scale war games at the same time
Good, gotta keep the declining empire overextended
Its like do they want to help China absorb all the talent back into China.US unfairly targeting Chinese over industrial spying, says report
A new study of economic espionage cases in the US says people of Chinese heritage are more likely to be charged with crimes—and less likely to be convicted.
they have reached an agreement to resolve charges against her, according to a source familiar with the matter, in a process that should allow her to leave Canada.
Thats big news. It seems that a good agreement has been reachedThe deferred prosecution agreement would remove one of several major disputes between the world's two biggest economies
Hmmm, this is an interesting development if true. We were at a deadlock where Canada was going to have to choose the US or China and leave one side in total fury with the US shouting at Canada's betrayal and China declaring Canada an imperialist US dog and forever enemy should they be the losing side. I don't know how many talks went on behind the scenes to make this happen but if Meng goes to virtual court in Brooklyn and is acquited, the US saves face by saying that she went to American court and America made the call to let her go and China can say that her extradition failed, they couldn't get any charges to stick and she is safely back home. Canada gets out of that tight squeeze in as good a shape as any Canadian can hope for. If they learn, next time, they'll know to call the person and warn them to stay out of Canada should there be another American request that would repeat the situation.
This is also connected with China demanding that they release her before China doing anything at all with the US.Hmmm, this is an interesting development if true. We were at a deadlock where Canada was going to have to choose the US or China and leave one side in total fury with the US shouting at Canada's betrayal and China declaring Canada a forever enemy should they be the losing side. I don't know how many talks went on behind the scenes to make this happen but if Meng goes to virtual court in Brooklyn and is acquited, the US saves face by saying that she went to American court and America made the call to let her go and China can say that her extradition failed, she was found innocent and she is safely back home. Canada gets out of that tight squeeze in as good as any Canadian can hope for. If they learn, next time, they'll know to call the person and warn them to stay out of Canada should there be another American request that would repeat the situation.
One thing is unchanged: I still hate Canada and avoid thier products whenever I have the option.
I thought I saw a mentioning somewhere about an article ran by the Murdoch's News Corp Aussie just a couple of days ago about Xi Jinping's stepping down will improve relationship between China and the West or something like that... but now I forgot the article title and couldn't locate it, have not read it just saw the link somewhere, which I also forget where it's... it's bizarre that the West MSM keeps on voicing what kind leader they wish China to have,,, do they think China is a banana republic that they can interfere into its political system with impunity? WTF!!!And yet again, another Western analyst and analysis hoping and wishing for Pres.Xi to be removed or stepped down, be replaced because all the Sino-American problem would miraculously vanish. I am beginning to suspect that these vacuous and ignorant analysis of Chinese politics and system is what brought about the never ending geopolitical problems that America and her lackeys have faced and grappled with these past decades. They mostly operate from arrogance and ignorance full stop. And this fellow's comment is somewhat a representation that the west wouldn't have raised all these fake Uyghur genocide, Hong Kong separatists/seditious activities, Tech and trade war etc. If the leader of China was not General Secretary/Pres.Xi Jinping. They are essentially admitting that they want a pliant puppet slave as a leader for China so that they could continue plundering and extract every single Chinese out of their value until no more.
Hmmm, this is an interesting development if true. We were at a deadlock where Canada was going to have to choose the US or China and leave one side in total fury with the US shouting at Canada's betrayal and China declaring Canada an imperialist US dog and forever enemy should they be the losing side. I don't know how many talks went on behind the scenes to make this happen but if Meng goes to virtual court in Brooklyn and is acquited, the US saves face by saying that she went to American court and America made the call to let her go and China can say that her extradition failed, they couldn't get any charges to stick and she is safely back home. Canada gets out of that tight squeeze in as good a shape as any Canadian can hope for. If they learn, next time, they'll know to call the person and warn them to stay out of Canada should there be another American request that would repeat the situation.
One thing is unchanged: I still hate Canada and avoid thier products whenever I have the option (although my girlfriend seems to be addicted to arctic surf clams for some reason... we'll have to work on that...).