I wonder how China can exploit US/UK/Aus vs. France/EU division....
This is why I prefer China fighting Biden's "Rally the Allies" which can be exploited via "divide-and-conquer", rather than Trump's "Scorched Earth" approach, in which everyone including China, US, and EU gets fucked.
The French never really banned Huawei, or restricted Huawei in a very strict manner.
Now there will be less cooperation and coordination in the future between America and Europe over issues regarding after this back stabbing.
Why cooperate when we can get stabbed in the back?
Better for oneself to look after one's own interests.
Therefore, we have to assume there will be more of a free-for-all in international relations, countries putting their interests first before anyone else. This suggests alliance systems are weakening.
But ... there is a new AUKUS alliance, and the SCO just admitted Iran into it.
Okay, let's do the dialectic here, are more countries going to join alliances or alliances are only strong on the surface but are actually weakening because of the free-for-all?
My guess is that most countries would look at the short term and consider where is the best deal.
France thought it had an alliance and a deal for the long term, which went out the window like the trash. Who claims they have a good long term idea about the world's countries is bs.
That is a strength of China. China offers good deals. Turn the game that way, and China has a chance to win. Whatever they are playing, hehe.