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The French cancelled the Mistral order with the russians, and they paid the penalty. Now they are losing this Aussie contract. It is all because of the Yankees messing around.
Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.
Back stab me once, fool of me; back stab me twice, still fool of me. :oops: o_O:eek: Napoleon and De Gaulle must be rolling in their graves.


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This is a very good article, I strongly suggest you to read it and spread as well:

There are POLITICAL-ECONOMIC AGENDAS driving the current PANDEMIC, not public health concerns; for one intro see this:

Discussion on propaganda and the political-economic drivers underlying the pandemic event including Prof. Fabio Vighi's recent paper:


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The above piece explains the financial stress in 2019 as mentioned slightly by the American economist, Martin Armstrong here:
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Also mentioned by this one indirectly, authored by Matthew Piepenburg
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Screw climate emmissions. China should start reopening its iron mines and reconfiguring its steel mills.
Also with coal. Reopen coal mines

As long as national security (development) is at risk then climate emmisions restrictions should be immediately trashed

China should ensure that it can produce all of these raw materials coming from Australia at home. This would also serve a good message to the world, to dont blackmail China thinking that they are safe because they are supplying China with raw materials.

Time for more imports bans from Australia
you have to understand why China imports from Australia: it is due to public pressure to develop Chinese internal resources as little as possible. For Chinese, the greatest era of economic shame was in the 1980s-90s when China was an oil exporter and Japan bought oil, to sell back to Chinese, as high value added plastics. It was vowed to never sell the blood (oil) and flesh (ore) of the country to foreign exploiters, and instead import and sell only high value added resources. A resource economy can never beat an industrial one in the long run. Doesn't mean should keep buying from Australia. Other trade partners are better. But never, ever go back to being a resource economy.

Climate change control is also not for Australia. It is to drive internal innovation and reduce public pressure on emissions. The other part is that it forces reduction of oil reliance. That is a positive. China should not only not backpedal on climate change resolutions, they should be pushed even further with proposed global restrictions and goals on per capita emissions. This solely hurts the Ang.los, since China and EU are at the same level with per capita emissions. If/when they refuse, this can be used to harm their EU ties even further.


Registered Member
This is a very good article, I strongly suggest you to read it and spread as well:

There are POLITICAL-ECONOMIC AGENDAS driving the current PANDEMIC, not public health concerns; for one intro see this:

Discussion on propaganda and the political-economic drivers underlying the pandemic event including Prof. Fabio Vighi's recent paper:


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The above piece explains the financial stress in 2019 as mentioned slightly by the American economist, Martin Armstrong here:
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Also mentioned by this one indirectly, authored by Matthew Piepenburg
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"That nest egg (401k, pension, cash, etc) you saved up is not going to be there for you for the simple fact that the global useable energy is gone... the purchasing power of money was always almost entirely inflated by the availability of cheap and abundantly high-quality energy (and the “work/productivity multiplier effect” derived thereof) and the assumption that it would always be the case of remaining exercisable and actualizable into perpetuity.....

Money is just a mere abstract symbolic token representation of the ability of cheap and abundant higher EROEI (Energy Returned on Energy Invested) energy to do 'work' on our behalf. No amount of funny-money fiscal policy can change the fact that the underlying physical system that powers absolutely everything we do has ran out of energy. It does the world absolutely zero net-benefit to expend more energy to extract, process and make useable an energy source than the energy we can get out of it, regardless of how much money someone is willing to pay for it. Likewise, Ethanol as a net-energy-sink (basically converting oil to fertilizers to grow corn and then reconverting corn back to fuel) also does nothing but serve to make our collective energy problem that much worse regardless of how much the government is willing to economically/price subsidize for it.

When the quality and quantity of energy available to us continues to decline and decrease, then proportionately so does the value or purchasing power of the money that we hold... for that money was a mere representation of the 'multiplier-effect' of energy/work and the resulting productivity that cheap energy had amplified and enabled. But with the energy depleted so too does our money become worthless.

The US extracts wealth from the rest of the world... but like all things on the top of the food pyramid chain it relies on the much larger lower bottom base to prop it up. Since the global energy resources have peaked, then mathematically it is all but certainty that global de-growth will be the reality going forward... No more global growth means the entire pyramid scheme and house of cards that America built its empire upon will come collapsing down...

The US dollar is about to implode supernova style... As the US is the current global hegemon, the only way it can get out from under its own petrodollar hegemony FIRST without attracting the wrong kind of attention and alerting/setting off global panic of selling dollars is to invent a global distraction (CIA releases COVID) and then follow it up with global chaos (Afghan, Taiwan, HK, SCS, etc) to give the pretext justification for printing like there is no tomorrow, in order to get out from the dollar leaving the rest of the world holding the bag.... and furthermore by destabilizing the world through engineered chaos the US is inducing artificial global demand destruction to price most of the world out so that it can print to infinity with unlimited "quantitative-easings" to buy up everything with essentially free money.

Having seen the writing on the wall (see REPO mess) America's strategy is to exit the dollar and leave the rest of the world, including China to be holding the proverbial bag of excrement, and its intentional COVID failure, and Afghan failures are all part of its pre-planned exit strategy to create global chaos and induce artificial-demand-destruction on global scale in order to best position itself for the coming times and shore up and consolidate its own positions at the direct expense of harvesting the rest of the world by means of infinite quantitative easing through weaponization of its petrodollar hegemony and global reserve currency status

Releasing the CIA Biovirus and setting off a global pandemic (whilsts simultaneously planting it in Wuhan to both frame and blame CHYNA its greatest geopolitical rival in the process) with continued "variants" iteration releases serves to effectuate the goal of severely dampening global economic activity, and disproportionately targeting the developing third world (since they will get hit the hardest economically and also recover the slowest due to US vaccine shitplomacy hoarding...) thereby indirectly allowing America to put the squeeze on the rest of the world, asymmetrically targeting non-vassals and pricing out the poorer regions of the world so that they are much less able to compete for the remaining dwindling global resources/energy reserves

THINK BIG PICTURE... In geopolitics there are no Coincidences... COVID was THE single largest broadest categorical stroke of the proverbial brush so to speak that the US/West could have painted against China and the East (and rest of developing world) under the guise, pretense and shadow of plausible denialability whilsts effectuating the desired goal of reshaping a new world order with the West back on top and America consolidated and secured as preeminence above all....."


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With all the excitement surrounding the AUKUS back stabbing their nearest and closest allies (sorry Jai Hind, you do not qualify). We forgot that this other wretch, "what a beautiful sight" Pelosi is visting the U.K. today for the G7 summit.

I wish I was 20 years younger, I would've been there with some juice large eggs. Lol.

G7 Speakers': Nancy Pelosi says visit to Lancashire town makes US/UK relationship 'more personal'
  • Saturday 18 September 2021, 5:34pm
Credit: UK Parliament/Jess Taylor
The Speaker for the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, says that coming to the Lancashire town of Chorley has helped make the special relationship between the UK and USA "even more specific and personal".

The American Politician is visiting the constituency of Sir Lindsay Hoyle, Speaker for the House of Commons, for the G7 Speakers' Conference.


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They are trying to get Meng to admit guilt and pay a fine in exchange for her being release. Seems likely another trick though... or attempt to use a guilty plea to advance another agenda
The US has tried this trick at the end of Trump's time in office. China rejected it. I don't see why China would pick it up this time.

There are two paths:
  1. As US wish, Meng admit guilt and released without China's official involvement.
    • US win the "legal" and diplomatic ground.
    • China loose the diplomatic ground.
    • Canada further loose the Chinese favor.
    • The two Canadians serve their full terms in Chinese prison because China is officially out of the loop.
  2. As China wish, Meng is released by Canada without admitting anything.
    • China win the legal and diplomatic ground.
    • Canada restore China's favor by essentially breaking away from US' orbit.
    • Canada enters an uncharted water with US being troublesome.
    • U.S. loose legal and diplomatic ground, and credibility of cohesion to the rest of world.
    • The two Canadians released after sentencing.
So far, China's official stand is staying out of any negotiation with US and refusing the connection of the two Canadians with Meng's case. This means that China is only going to talk to Canada alone. Only this way can Canada expect an exchange.

If Meng take the bait (path 1), she will be socially dead in China, and forget about any career in Huawei. China is not going to pay national asset (diplomatic and prestige) for Meng to surrender to the US. What the US is doing is to exploit the personal weakness to get rid of a deadlock of useless negative asset.


Registered Member
The US has tried this trick at the end of Trump's time in office. China rejected it. I don't see why China would pick it up this time.

There are two paths:
  1. As US wish, Meng admit guilt and released without China's official involvement.
    • US win the "legal" and diplomatic ground.
    • China loose the diplomatic ground.
    • Canada further loose the Chinese favor.
    • The two Canadians serve their full terms in Chinese prison because China is officially out of the loop.
  2. As China wish, Meng is released by Canada without admitting anything.
    • China win the legal and diplomatic ground.
    • Canada restore China's favor by essentially breaking away from US' orbit.
    • Canada enters an uncharted water with US being troublesome.
    • U.S. loose legal and diplomatic ground, and credibility of cohesion to the rest of world.
    • The two Canadians released after sentencing.
So far, China's official stand is staying out of any negotiation with US and refusing the connection of the two Canadians with Meng's case. This means that China is only going to talk to Canada alone. Only this way can Canada expect an exchange.

If Meng take the bait (path 1), she will be socially dead in China, and forget about any career in Huawei. China is not going to pay national asset (diplomatic and prestige) for Meng to surrender to the US. What the US is doing is to exploit the personal weakness to get rid of a deadlock of useless negative asset.

It's a trap. There's no win for China if she accept. And an easy get out of jail card for U.S. and Canada.

China mustne accept this. Period.