@Temstar hahaha it didn't include India, my man that will pissed off a lot of Indians...LOLI'm always impressed by the Greeks and their warmth towards China, going back to their help in bringing Varyag to China. Once I found a well educated Greek man and asked him what's the motivation behind it and he told me it's because unlike the nouveau riche countries who only became somebody after industrial revolution, ancient civilisations who have witnessed several thousand years of history know the cyclical nature of time. Greeks can see that China is going through a period of prosperity which may last several centuries so why wouldn't they want to be on that boat.
He also said only a small minority of countries have cultures such that they understand the whole "I do something nice for you now, and in the future if I need help you will remember and help me out" thing, most countries only think about the now and don't care what happened in the past. He listed Greece, Italy, Israel and China as four countries that have that sort of culture.
He listed Greece, Italy, Israel and China as four countries that have that sort of culture.