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This time is very different. The nationalists have now realized that the Aussies are the real enemies and a big threat to stability of the region, while China is the protector.
Sigh, this time Australia is the to truly suffer the consequences of their actions this time around and I am pretty sure that before this decade is through, all Anglo Saxons are going to occupy the very same position that the native Americans, aboriginals, Moari and ever other race that is suffering from the discrimination of the colonial west, all this is done out of sheer hate and spite on behalf of the west that has grown too proud of there position in the world that slowly but surely, the very circumstances that is going to lead the world to completely turn on the west is starting to manifest.


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View attachment 77256
Looks like aussie neocons has been bingeing on meth
The almighty us+allies can't even regime change afganistan but he thinks australia can regime change ... CHINA??!! thats some top level walter white grade meth lmao
Maybe when the USA is out of the picture and China has Australia at is complete mercy, they should have the entire parliament tried in front of the world court for aiding in crimes against humanity for all the world to see and have all the media outlets in Australia completely shut down and transition the nation from a democracy to communism, if only to force Australia to stop with there ideas on every amounting to anything on the world stage and thinking they can regime change anyone they feel like with the blessing of the USA. Just making this idiot statement should be a green light for China to not only do the same, but also to have the entire leadership in Australia be exiled to Antarctica so that they can cool off, permanently, since to be very serious, they will not be missed


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While Indonesia turned away Scotmo in disgust, and France recalled ambassadors. While others in the Asia region feels threatened. India rejoice. Jai Hind.​

And it gets worse. It looks at those India is begging to be allow in this new club! Lol.​

"Some in the Indian leadership might see AUKUS weakening the Quad by leaving India and Japan out."


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India Welcomes AUKUS Pact as China Deterrent​

The agreement will help New Delhi with its quest for a stable balance of power in the Indo-Pacific.​

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, the director of the National University of Singapore’s Institute of South Asian Studies.

SEPTEMBER 16, 2021, 1:24 PM
For India, the formation of the new Indo-Pacific coalition AUKUS—among Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States—is welcome for a number of reasons. The
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is to help Australia build a fleet of nuclear-powered submarines and deepen security cooperation in other areas, such as defense-related artificial intelligence and quantum computing, cyberwarfare, and underwater technologies.
From New Delhi’s perspective, the new coalition signals a strong political resolve in Washington to confront the growing security challenges from Beijing. In ending the long-standing taboo on transferring military nuclear propulsion technology even to its allies, the United States is also acknowledging that deterring China requires outside-the-box thinking.
Until now, the United States has shared the technology of military nuclear propulsion—used to power submarines with unparalleled stealth, speed, range, and endurance—only with the United Kingdom. By drawing London into the new trilateral coalition with Canberra, Washington is also ensuring a long-term role for its traditional European ally in stabilizing the Indo-Pacific.
Realists in New Delhi will recall how the decision by the George W. Bush administration to end India’s international nuclear isolation helped transform the ties between New Delhi and Washington. The historic civil nuclear initiative—implemented in the face of relentless opposition from U.S. and global non-proliferation bureaucracies—helped harmonize the two countries’ strategic interests. It also paved the way for India’s participation in the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, or Quad, with Australia, Japan, and the United States. The new Australian-U.K.-U.S. coalition—already known by the acronym AUKUS—is among treaty allies, but also aims at leveraging nuclear cooperation to facilitate strategic outcomes in the Indo-Pacific: In this case, to significantly enhance Australia’s military capabilities and bind it in a long-term relationship to Britain and the United States.

It will be a while—perhaps late in the next decade— before Australia’s nuclear-powered submarines start prowling the Indo-Pacific. But it sets the stage for a more vigorous security engagement among three important strategic partners of India and will contribute to New Delhi’s own quest for a stable balance of power in the Indo-Pacific.

Some in the Indian leadership might see AUKUS weakening the Quad by leaving India and Japan out.

U.S. President Joe Biden, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson have justified the new nuclear coalition in the name of strengthening deterrence against China. Given India’s own mounting security problems with China, all actions designed to deter China, with or without Indian participation, are of strategic benefit to New Delhi.

Because India is increasingly preoccupied with overland threats from China, it needs enduring partnerships to protect its maritime flank. Although India’s naval capabilities are significant, the scale and scope of the threat presented by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy have led India to focus on a wide range of maritime coalitions, including the Quad as well as separate relationships involving Australia, Japan, Indonesia, and France.

To be sure, there is a downside to Australia’s decision to build a fleet of nuclear-powered attack submarines with technology from the United States: the cancellation of Canberra’s earlier
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to produce conventionally powered submarines with Paris.

France has been actively engaged in the Indo-Pacific, helping mobilize skeptical Europeans to focus on security challenges in the Far East and promoting a regional trilateral coalition with Australia and India. France, unsurprisingly, sees the Australian decision as a
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. Some Australian scholars see the need for a
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from Canberra to Paris. New Delhi should be eager to contribute.
off course Modi's India will once again bet on the wrong horse o_O


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View attachment 77256
Looks like aussie neocons has been bingeing on meth
The almighty us+allies can't even regime change afganistan but he thinks australia can regime change ... CHINA??!! thats some top level walter white grade meth lmao
Do these f...ng morons arrogantly assume that a "Democratic China" is going to be a docile China and that all her territorial disputes and claims from the border with India to the maritime claims in the SCS and the Taiwan Issue will all be magically washed away by Democratic fairy dusts? In what fantasy land are those guys from the Weekend Dumb Australian getting their geopolitics and political science class from? Trump University?

Calling for the removal of another country's soverign leader and then demanding for the country to change their political system just so the kangaroos can sleep well in the night is hilarious.


Do these f...ng morons arrogantly assume that a "Democratic China" is going to be a docile China and that all her territorial disputes and claims from the border with India to the maritime claims in the SCS and the Taiwan Issue will all be magically washed away by Democratic fairy dusts? In what fantasy land are those guys from the Weekend Dumb Australian getting their geopolitics and political science class from? Trump University?

Calling for the removal of another country's soverign leader and then demanding for the country to change their political system just so the kangaroos can sleep well in the night is hilarious.

They don't assume a democratic China will be docile. They simply know that the removal of the CPC will result in chaos and set China back 100 years. That is what they really want to see.