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Having dabbled in JS it seems like the sort of thing that you can actually replace with current AI.

So do you suspect the employer in question is looking to hire JavaScript developers who'll happily render themselves obsolete by contributing to such an AI? :cool:

If a CN comp bought a US comp, why change the need to change name? When customers r already accustomed to it?

Homegirl over there better not find out what white labeling is ;), never mind the number of American "manufacturers" that depend largely, if not wholly on Chinese supply chains, otherwise she's going to have a meltdown . . .


Registered Member
This is the fate of all of China unless CCP starts to really focus on birth rate increase with policies such as childless tax and no promotion to childless type of things.
Its in not Just China but South East Asia like Thailand, Vietnam and rest will quickly face collapsing demographics.
Even official statistics maybe optimistic. Think over the post 1945 world and my favorite topic that has both the wealth and access to intelligence and they do research about things where things get wrong. They naturally had high expectation from Japan but they are too polite to publish it on mainstream. I think Putin has good idea about all those things as he brought Japan second time five years later and what ever he is doing it meets 21st century Arabic standards.

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Putin on the causes of the demographic decline: Our former ambassador to Japan told me. We were driving in the car, and I said: why is the situation here like this, including with the birth rate? He said: young people under 35 here have no friends and don't want any. That's where the birth rate comes from. One of the former prime ministers of Japan, we were sitting, drinking sake, and he said: maybe our sperm is somehow different? What does sperm have to do with it? Everything is about the same. The issue is in the state of society.

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05 September 2019,
Video: Putin Jokingly Compares Birth Rates in Japan and Chechnya with Dagestan


Registered Member
Not sure if their candidate pool is indeed limited to <20k people, but the ideal candidate for them appears to be the sort who'd otherwise be able to secure employment at a FANG, perhaps in high finance, or at a startup, possibly of their own and most likely backed by serious VC $.

So TC offered will need to be comparable with the applicable competition.

TBF, a $200,000 salary would be a reasonably good start, but $200,000 TC will not cut it for the sort of candidates they're looking for, unless they're willing to hire fresh or at least fresher grads rather than those with 4-10 years of experience.
top 10 schools, ~200 domestic grads per school, let's call it new grads 0-10 years so 10 years of accumulated graduations. 20k candidate pool max, and I wouldn't be surprised if half of them worked at a forbidden company or took the first FANG offer and thus are ineligible.

worth every penny.


Registered Member
Just the existence of political risk regardless of whether the Federal Register supplements actually go into effect is enough to reroute global procurement and global trade patterns

"If the USTR implements its proposal as written, shipping executives and brokers say a gradual split of the market is likely, where China-built ships are treated differently to those constructed elsewhere. In the tanker market where China-built vessels make up a third of all ships, it already appears to be happening. Charterers are starting to shy away from leasing China-linked tankers for long-term engagements, according to shipbrokers, because they expect that the vessels will need to call at US ports in the future, exposing them to tariffs."
Goodbye and goodluck to America.


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The US attempt to write China out of global commercial shipbuilding by attaching fees for docking and making them extremely cost uncompetitive and making every other developed market; whom are the overwhelming majority of shipborne trade do the same.
Honestly, it took the wise philosophers of Zhihu and Bilibili for me to finally understand 日耳曼赢学. And here Sleepy offers an excellent example of that.


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top 10 schools, ~200 domestic grads per school, let's call it new grads 0-10 years so 10 years of accumulated graduations. 20k candidate pool max, and I wouldn't be surprised if half of them worked at a forbidden company or took the first FANG offer and thus are ineligible.

worth every penny.

Your calculations are approximate, but your process is on point, and I agree that 5.7e-5 is in the right ballpark.

However, given the prospective employer's insistence on pedigreed domestic hires, I doubt a significant portion of the applicant pool has ever spent time at any of the forbidden companies, as the companies listed are generally speaking Indian like Tata, Cognizant, Mahindra and Infosys; tend to hire a lot of Indians like Capgemini; or considered unattractive legacy enterprises in hopeless decline with Intel being the most prominent example.

In all likelihood, the hiring manager and/or senior management at this startup probably just hate working with Indians, but can't overtly communicate "Indians need not apply" due to legal and PR considerations.

Actually kind of curious who the prospective employer is if @Randomuser knows and is able to disclose.


Senior Member
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Your calculations are approximate, but your process is on point, and I agree that 5.7e-5 is in the right ballpark.

However, given the prospective employer's insistence on pedigreed domestic hires, I doubt a significant portion of the applicant pool has ever spent time at any of the forbidden companies, as the companies listed are generally speaking Indian like Tata, Cognizant, Mahindra and Infosys; tend to hire a lot of Indians like Capgemini; or considered unattractive legacy enterprises in hopeless decline with Intel being the most prominent example.

In all likelihood, the hiring manager and/or senior management at this startup probably just hate working with Indians, but can't overtly communicate "Indians need not apply" due to legal and PR considerations.

Actually kind of curious who the prospective employer is if @Randomuser knows and is able to disclose.

I just found it from here. I have no clue how authentic this actually is. Although some firms probably are that delusional.