Lieutenant General
Unfortunately we are hobbled due to technology reasons. (Sub)Orbital global strike bomber will likely only be available from 7th gen.
We can find solace that 7th gen is probably at early conceptual stage or something similar. It is coming but it will take time.
You don’t need orbital bombers for Niger. All Beijing has to do is give an order and just an 055 can spam enough LACMs to get the point across easily enough.
The problem is what do you do afterwards about the blowback?
This is what America and their Hollywood idiots don’t care to think about. It’s easy and satisfying to blow shit up. But what happens when the relatives and friends of people you just blown up wants to come at you to get revenge? Plenty of Chinese nationals and soft targets across Africa for them to easily target. Do you think China wants to do its own GWOT?
These are not the first hustlers who tried to shake China down, not by a long shot, and they won’t be the last. China already has a playbook on how to deal with such people, and it doesn’t involve air strikes. How else do you think Chinese influence and presence has expanded so much across all of Africa over the past few decades? If any halfwit wannabe warlord can just rob China blind without consequences, you think China would have any state assets left in Africa?
China’s methods are not as flashy or immediate as America’s, but a price will be extracted for this, sufficient to compensate China for the losses and also dissuade other idiots from making the same mistake. Just don’t expect to hear about it on CNN.