Okay, have to say that I do not agree with Norton or Bertrand, even though I do agree in principle.
What I disagree with is that that was always the game for decades. That they claim it is a revelation is simply wrong!
What do they think was going on the for the last few decades? Or even a century for that matter.
Just from a basic economic point of view, those who make the most money, those companies tend to be high tech. Well, if someone has the tech, they got the money.
That is how it has always been like. And the West had the tech.
Things are changing rapidly now.
That Chinese guy here, Mao Hak Jat, he knows the sentiment, he says the right thing.
You know, capitalism and imperialism, kind of goes hand in hand.
Actually, now this is like getting to be a complicated topic.
In the past, there was a question back in our great great grandfather's time ... how to beat the imperialist?
The imperialist can only be beaten by an even bigger imperialist!
Remember, capitalism and imperialism tend to go hand in hand.
Communism or socialism never defeated capitalism or imperialism. The former may have won a war here or there, caused some revolution, but in the long run, things did not work out that way.
That is why I like how it is going in China nowadays under the leadership of the CCP.
They know this crap backwards and forward, and are still able to move the country forward, improve the lives of the people, and maintain a good stable balance as they go along.
Kind of remarkable to see China today doing what it is doing.
This is a country of 1.4 billion people. It is not easy to keep a place like that together moving in the same direction.
They said about Chairman Mao, he read all the ancient dynastic histories, like all of them, because he wondered how to govern the country.
Damn, you really have to have a real brain to govern China.
China today is in good hands.
Wan shiu, wan shui!