This take is can only be called demented, all NATO/EU TOGETHER has not been able to impose themselves against Russia yet there is deluded people thinking either UK or France ALONE are more powerful than Russia. Russia would melt both countries military in a week in their own wordsit's weird how this list doesn't even include Israel. if we rank countries by their overal strength then we have to include everything. not just their economy or military but also their influence. the second weird thing I noticed is that he ranked Singapore at 11th place higher than countries like the KSA, Turkey, Italy. Singapore is a prosperous city for sure but in the end it is just that, a city state. if we make a list of which country is more prosperous Singapore would probably be number one maybe but this is a list of the total strength not a list of economic perfomance.
personaly that is how I would make the list:
10-South Korea.
11-Saudi Arabia.
23-South Africa.
France and the UK have larger more prosperous economies than Russia. plus they are members of the EU & NATO and thus have more influence than Russia in Europe and unlike Germany they do have nukes. France's nuclear arsenal is independant unlike that of the UK which is dependent on the US that is why France is higher than the UK. France's and the UK's military and nuclear arsenal is sufficient for self defence and deterence and while their military is smaller than that of Russia however that is done by choice because the UK & France would rather spend on welfare and keep the military spending at a minimum which is a wise thing to do.
Israel is a prosperous nuclear state and while it is small however Zionist influence basically has the entire west (including the US) by their balls. it is this influence that makes Israel a capable state otherwise it would have been closer to the bottom of the list.
Also you are lying yourself to extreme degrees thinking that those economies are bigger or more prosperous than Russian one. GDP fairy tales only goes so far.
Russia own consumption of electricity put it miles ahead those 2 wannabes combined. And what is a bigger metric of civilization that the amount of electricity your country uses
Russia average trade balance during the last 10 years has been 160 billion positive. That is around the same of the full EU together