Russia goes far ahead of UK and France just based on economy size and military alone.
I mean the Russia/China vs France/US stories in Africa are a micocosm of just how it would go if France clashed by itself against Russia.
Putting US ahead of China is also controversial with how far US is behind economically, even if they have a larger standing military and more countries under their control. Is it actually worth more to have a bigger peacetime military and more "yes men" nations when said yes men don't make up for the difference in economic power?
1. China or US (1.5)
2. (large gap)
3. Eurozone
4. Russia
5. Japan
6. South Korea
7. France
8. Turkey
9. UK
10. India
By tech level:
No1 = complete high end electronics industry, multiple 6th gens, mastery of 5th gens
No1.5 = complete high end electronics industry, concepts of at least 1 6th gen, mastery of 5th gens
No3-4 = self sufficient for govt use electronics industry, concepts of next gen aircraft, ongoing trial of 5th gens
SK, UK, France, Turkey etc. = incomplete supply chains, no indigenous 5th gen but "stealth lite" designs in trial/planning
India and below (for example Indonesia, Brazil, South Africa) = trial of indigenous 4th gens, no indigenous tech industry of note
Russian economy is ahead of that of France and the UK? that is news to me. I mean in PPP money sure but the nominal GDP of France/UK is higher than that of Russia. their nominal per capita GDP is also more than 3 times that of Russia. their influence in Europe is also greater. Russia has basically been kicked out of Europe. France is a member of the EU which gives it more influence than Russia in Europe. almost all Eastern European countries which used to be allies of the USSR are now enemies of Russia and allies of France and the UK. if we picked a random sample of 1 million Chinese people, 1 million Turkish & 1 million Emaratis and asked them to pick a country (France, UK or Russia) to live in permanently. I'm sure Russia would be at the bottom of the list.
for the US, it's not just "yes men" that they have. they managed to turn the second largest ex-Soviet state against the largest ex-Soviet state making these two countries kill & wound each others' people by the hundreds of thousands.
US intelegence agencies also managed to turn 24 million Chinese people on the Taiwan Island into enemies of China who now don't even see themselves as Chinese but rather as Taiwanese.
so far not a single intelligence agency was able to replicate the CIA. then add to that the semiconductor industry being dominated either by the US or it's vassals. and add to that the US' ability to print $ out of thin air. plus they are the leaders of NATO plus they have a massive colony called Japan. all of that definitely makes them number one.
When China's semiconductor industry catches up to that of the US then we could say China has become an equal &/or surrpassed the US.
Japan is special. the issue with Japan is that it is not really a country but rather it is an American colony. sure the US has alot of vassals but Japan is controlled to such an extent by the US that calling it a vassal would be a complement to Japan, plus they have a stagnant/shrinking economy that has fallen behind even that of Germany. plus they have no nukes.
Japan's regional influence in east Asia is also non existant due to China's dominance. unlike Germany which managed to cement it's influence within the EU, Japan chose to just do nothing and let their American masters handle Japan's affairs.
if in the future Japan finaly upgrades from being a colony to at least be a vassal of the US then it will become a stronger nation.
for India. I don't know how can I say this in a nice way. but India is a nation of 1.4 billion beggars. their civil/military industrialization is primitive and far below that of much smaller countries like say Italy. their regional influence is non existant. on the contrary they are surrounded by countres that are hostile to them as a result of India's arrogant policies. their whole selling point is that they are willing to offer themselves to the West to be used as a battering ram against China and in exchange they expect the West to help them industrialze and develope their economy for them. yet the West seems unwilling to do that because the West doesn't even see India as a reliable battering ram.
as for India's GDP numbers. personaly I don't trust their numbers. their economy is claimed to be larger than that of Japan yet Indian products do not exist in our daily lives. when a nation has a large economy usually you see their products around you. for example in the street most of the cars are Korean, Chinese, European & American. if a person looks around his appartment he will find most prodcuts are Chinese with others being from ASEAN. heck I even find the label "made in Bangladesh" on some towls or clothes & still Indian products are nowhere.
even when it comes to software. literally not a single software that people use is Indian.
also India uses cow dung to boost their GDP numbers (I'm not kidding you can Google it).