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"US author"

America is a delirious place due to the tons of fantasies of the political media show industry for the entertainment and confusion of the plebs.

Twice we have seen in Congress a scene that surpasses the most absurd parody of a dictatorship: more than 50 standing ovations and everyone fearing being the first to stop applauding.


Donald Likud Trump is "a Russian asset"
Donald Likud Trump "America first"


Washington Permanent (1963-): imperial party, zionist party and oligarchic party... Power in Washington "inside the Beltway" will die of laughter


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The Ukrainian Gambit (1997-, 2014-)

Wiki: "from Italian gambetto, the act of tripping someone with the leg to make them fall"

The procedure that the Russian ruling class has used to stop the expansion of NATO has certainly been clumsy.


(1) it is clear that Russia is not going to stop. Napoleon, Adolf and NATO, all three stumbled over the same stone.

(2) Permanent Washington now is no longer so interested in this proxy war. If the European Eunuchs want to continue, that is their problem.

(3) Likud wants to see better relations between Washington and Moscow, and Donald Likud Trump is on the task.

a different question is how the various moving pieces evolve in this last phase of the monstrosity of sacrifice Ukraine to bring down Russia


Lieutenant General
I think China should develop weapons that are internationally illegal that aren’t meant to kill enemy soldiers but to maim… severely. I didn’t say to actually use them. Just advertise it. I’m seeing stuff where Americans are talking up experience as the US’s advantage in war. Not really because the US has never fought a modern war with a peer adversary. The US’s “experience” with modern warfare so far has their soldiers sit back and let standoff weapons do all the work to soften the enemy before they go in while their opponents don’t have that capability. The US Navy certainly hasn’t experienced modern warfare. Today, they’ll experience hypersonic missiles slamming into their ships. Hundreds of US military personnel will be killed at a time. It’s easy to be brave and cocky when you feel safe from attack. Their arrogance will be a disadvantage because when it starts happening like never before being experienced, it will be so psychologically devastating for them. Americans turned against the Iraq War when their meager casualties they suffered was too much for them and family members were left to mourn alone and not be lionized on national TV anymore. Why develop such weapons? To make Americans know what’s out there waiting for them so they’re afraid of war. Jan 6th was full of people who liked cosplaying soldier during the weekend. When they were in jail, they cried for the judge to release them because people in jail were being mean to them. How well do you think these people will handle being in a prisoner of war camp? See what I mean?


Registered Member
Trump has said he wants people to think he and the US are crazy because he likes how other countries don’t know what he’ll do. I like China isn’t wasting time retaliating but it’s not enough. China is not doing equivalent retaliation and Trump and the Republicans see that China can’t do more. The West is trying to find alternatives from China on rare earths. Why not now completely stop selling them to them. Not doing that only allows to make the transition smoothly. Let it hurt the most now.

Think it is alright comrade.

The CCP just likes the way things are going.

China 2025 more or less has been achieved.

There is a $1 trillion dollar trade surplus (but we only talk about Trump tariffs ... and nobody really talks about that ... Chinese disinformation is the best).

China will beat America in returning samples from Mars as long as the spaceship does not blow up.

Best thing of all, no stupid wars!


Just my opinion, that $1 trillion dollar trade surplus will persist for a few years at least.

If they are not buying stuff from China, then where are they going to buy it from? And the global south, who China does most of its trade, continues to grow.

Maybe a lot of global south countries do not really like a big deficit in trade with China, but if China provides quality goods at a low price, then they will go all for it.

The only exception to that would be India.



Registered Member
Remember the old classic "Doonesbury" cartoons where the Chinese were described as "especially tricky people"?-how apt!! :) :)

Apparently that goes all the way back to Tin-Tin Adventures.



Registered Member
I think China should develop weapons that are internationally illegal that aren’t meant to kill enemy soldiers but to maim… severely. I didn’t say to actually use them. Just advertise it. I’m seeing stuff where Americans are talking up experience as the US’s advantage in war. Not really because the US has never fought a modern war with a peer adversary. The US’s “experience” with modern warfare so far has their soldiers sit back and let standoff weapons do all the work to soften the enemy before they go in while their opponents don’t have that capability. The US Navy certainly hasn’t experienced modern warfare. Today, they’ll experience hypersonic missiles slamming into their ships. Hundreds of US military personnel will be killed at a time. It’s easy to be brave and cocky when you feel safe from attack. Their arrogance will be a disadvantage because when it starts happening like never before being experienced, it will be so psychologically devastating for them. Americans turned against the Iraq War when their meager casualties they suffered was too much for them and family members were left to mourn alone and not be lionized on national TV anymore. Why develop such weapons? To make Americans know what’s out there waiting for them so they’re afraid of war. Jan 6th was full of people who liked cosplaying soldier during the weekend. When they were in jail, they cried for the judge to release them because people in jail were being mean to them. How well do you think these people will handle being in a prisoner of war camp? See what I mean?
Do you want to know the best way to psychologically break an enemy? And I say this not to condone it but to illustrate that this historic practice has been used by armies to break an enemy: sexual domination as a tool of war, not necessarily rape but something akin to turning western women into La Malinches and castration of enemy males on top of the Morgenthau Plan for the five eyes.

Americans behave and act like someone who’s never had the crap beaten out of him because North America has yet to suffer devastation similar to the thirty years war. When Chinese expeditionary forces come through the Mississippi and along the Great Lakes, the whoring out of someone like say, Kai Trump amongst other elite American females, would be an order of humiliation akin to the Jingkang incident coupled with the brutality of Pizzaro and Cortes.