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I don't think the chinese govt gives a shit about the private company CK hutchison based in HK, not sure why some ppl treat this as a China lose lol. If anything destroying CK hutchison is good, those guys did jack shit for China while monopolizing major sectors in HK.

They do own ports in China but those are explicitly excluded from the sale.

I think the deal was already in the making for a while. You don't put a 20bn deal together in few month months. The only question is whether the 2 panama ports were part of the original deal or got added last minute because of Trump.

IMO. The original deal almost certainly included those ports. If you look at what they did. They are selling all their foreign port assets and keeping their Chinese port assets. Lots of legal work spanning several countries, balance/asset reviews, which affects price negotiation. This sale was probably in the works for months already.


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