Miscellaneous News


Lieutenant General
I wanted to gauge the feeling regarding the trade war 2.0 between US and China among the Five Eyes but outside the US so I went to have a look at this video:
Sky News in Australia is very right wing and I imagine the viewership would very much take US side, what is the viewership like for Sky in UK? Because the comments were very surprising:

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View attachment 144950
That's surprisingly based comments for a Five Eyes news source.

Right after Trump slashed funding to USAIDS and other propaganda organisations.

Maybe ordinary Five Eyes citizens were always so based, it’s just that before all the paid trolls and bots completely drowned out their voices, with collusion from all the platforms of course, to bury unapproved opinions and boost the party line comments. Now the astroturfing has been stripped back, the true organic public opinion is finally allowed to be seen.


Registered Member
Seems the US is really hellbent on destroying TSMC market share, lol

When Anglo Zionist Chosen People's IQ is unable to keep up with Chinese ingenuity, they mandate crippling the opposition. This clearly demonstrates how unworthy the Atlanticist Elites are of global leadership. Imagine being led by a coward, not even lions being led by lambs, but rather, by donkeys.