An Indian would be celebrating white guys singing at their festival. Do you see my celebrating like an Indian?
You got the situation completely backwards. It's Asians that are being ripped off / exploited. It's all one way.
It's you and several others who can't see this or refuse to see and attack the messenger.
Look at the one sided interactions
racism against Asians vs white worship
hate crimes against Asians vs white worship
rapes against Asian women children vs unparalleled safety
castration against Asian men vs white male privilege
economic war against China vs making a killing selling over priced crap
racist anti Asian college admissions AND high tuition fees vs free scholarships for foreign trash
racist psychological warfare to attack Asians vs white worship in our media
racist "justice" system that turns a blind eye to hate crimes vs leniency on actual foreign criminals
non violent high paying Asian tourists vs invasion of military aged sex predators
I want this one sided exploitation of my race to stop. Is that "egotistical"?
What exactly have I gotten from others? How have I "ripped off" anyone here?
I never said I wanted pogroms against foreigners. Don't put words in my mouth.
Vile "few"...
Kids 'Sitting Ducks' for Pedophile Teachers - ABC News
link is abcnews go com International story - id=3743338
These fucking bastards literally go for esl "teaching" jobs to rape your children. Am I crazy for wanting to kick out child rapists?
Richard Huckle faces life sentences for Malaysia child abuse - BBC News:
link is bbc com news uk 36429385
This ONE white guy raped 200 children. Thousands more are never caught.
Europe becomes 'hub' for child sexual abuse content - BBC News
link is
Europe is home to 97% online child rape pornograpy. So much for a vile "few"
Yet we keep hiring these child rapists to be esl teachers....
Entire cities used to be filled with African squatters / invaders that refuse to leave
Re: soft power
NONE - literally NONE - of these retarded white worshipping / foreign worshipping tactics have ever worked.
The biggest recent soft power win came from foreigners getting cost of living pilled and seeing their safe developed cities. Cost of living has been good in China for a long time. Large well developed and safe cities have existed for over 10 years. Why didn't they like China back then? It all comes back to how incompetent the Chinese soft power department is. They keep doing things that fail. White worship doesn't work. It's just burning money. You, like so many, keep making the mistake that soft power will come naturally. Some of it comes naturally. A lot of it does not. If it came naturally, why didn't people become pro China much earlier when all the hard power already existed? Incompetent branding/pr.
The whole XHS was as not the result of Chinese soft power strategists either. It was an own goal by the us regime.
BTW, look at what actually worked. It was talking shit about the west (corruption, violence, outrageous living costs, etc) and glorifying China (clean safe cities, affordability, technology, convenience). Ironically, it was white people talking shit about usa. It was white people glorifying China. This is exactly what I said China's soft power department should do - talk shit (without lying) about the west, praise the good points of China, and stop white worshipping.