Enemy (Neocon/Neolib Regime) Propaganda Gem:
Confronting a New Axis? | UnArchived
A potential new Axis of authoritarian powers – China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea – threatens global stability through unprecedented strategic cooperation. Unlike its World War II predecessor – Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Imperial Japan, and the Soviet Union -- these nations demonstrate stronger coordination through, no-limit partnerships, joint military operations, and shared infrastructure projects. To successfully challenge this emerging coalition, the United States must understand both what makes this new coalition similar to the original Axis and recognize what makes it entirely unique.
based on the work of Philip Zelikov and scripted by Bradley Combest
Philip Zelikow is the Botha-Chan Senior Fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution. An attorney and former career diplomat, Zelikow's federal service includes work across the government in the five administrations from Reagan through Obama, and is a strategic consultant for the current Biden administration.
Personal Opinion:
The audacity and lack of self awareness of these neocon/neolib (i.e. neofascist) extremists is mindboggling.
Once again these neofascist thugs:
1) Conveniently ignore the criminal actions of the neocon/neolib controlled US in the form of US wars and coups of aggression, the funding of terrorists, launching of a global misinformation and propaganda campaigns to spread lies about China, Russia and anyone unwilling to bend the knee to the neocon/neolib regime establishment. Then there is the weaponization of financial systems too.
2) Lie about history in general. e.g. The soviet union was part of the axis powers according to these far-right extremist nutjobs.
3) Still talk about their vassal states like they were sovereign countries/allies. They are not!
4) Still talk about "Freedom" although what they mean is US global hegemony/dictatorship into perpetuity.
Ironically these neofascist thugs are closer to Nazi Germany in terms of their ideology of supremacism, military aggression, economic coercion, underhanded tactics, pervasive propaganda, etc. than China or Russia.
I hope saner heads will prevail in the US but with neofascists (neocons and neolibs) around, a perilous journey / turbulent waters might be ahead.