Miscellaneous News



Seriously I don't understand why South Korea's so stupid. South Koreans aren't individually stupid; they are amongst the highest academic performers in the US and in the world but here, they're like the retarded kid who raises their hand and gets it wrong when the teacher asks a rhetorical question. Don't they fucking see everyone around them answering differently?? Even Japan isn't this warped and they've been under America's boot even longer than South Korea.

I remember that there were like 1 or 2 nations of like 20 polled that actually thought the US handled COVID better than China and South Korea being one of them, the more extreme one. And now they have this shit again? I don't understand how they can be so stupid and not see the world around them, American control slipping, Chinese tech overtaking American and Korean specialties that were allowed to them by America. Even the Americans themselves don't have this type of confidence and nations, especially recumbent powers and Western blowhards always overestimate themselves. The only more extreme nation is Ukraine but that's understandable cus you can't think straight when there's debris flying around you every moment and you're just looking for cover but I can't reconcile the difference between how collectively stupid yet individually smart the South Koreans are.
I can't blame them for being unhappy about their time in the sun being cut short by China's rise. In the 2010s, South Korea was on top of the world and I guess they didn't expect that to end so abruptly.

South Korea spends around 5% of its GDP on R&D and still has a lot of potential, but it is being outcompeted by China and Taiwan on multiple fronts. TSMC is significantly ahead of Samsung and South Korea's memory industry, its last stronghold industry, is being threatened by CXMT and YMTC in China. Time is on China's side and I think they know it. I just don't see how South Korea could possibly compete with China once China's EUV lithography system rolls out.


It's because the ruling class have closely entangled themselves with the Suzerain state and their loyalty is the source of their political legitimacy. If they switch the Suzerain state then people outside the current elite will stand up and say "wait a second, you are Yuan/America puppet and enemy of Korean people. I am loyal to Ming/China and I'm on the side of the Korean people". That switch will never be a smooth and bloodless process, it's always going to result in a purge and replacement of the elite with a new bunch hence why the old elite resist it with all their resources.
Makes sense. The insane level of corruption is probably why all South Korean presidential terms come with a side-order of jail. This is just the first time they didn't even let the fucker finish the main course.


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It seems like US has chosen the damage control option i.e. reinstate TikTok while imposing censorship, and hope that people will forget XHS. I have heard internal discussions in TikTok of how to do 50% ownership, and the Chinese gov seems to have signaled ambivalence to the JV option.

Why are SV AI bros so upset about this anyway? Is there some kind of secret win condition for AI in this real life 4X game that I'm not aware of? Does it trigger Kollektiv 2.0 or Human Instrumentality Project and solve all of America's problem or something?
The backs of the military strongmen have been broken by Chinese 6th gen aircraft, the backs of the hanjians and media have been broken by RedNote, and the backs of the tech bros are currently being broken by DeepSeek.

The strategy of forget and move goalposts can no longer work— the impressive US mental gymnastics technology is not yet advanced enough to dismiss that '2 years' laggard Chinese AI has assassinated their invincible champion OpenAI at the supposed zenith of its power. The bull market and investors are in disbelief: all that hard work hyping up AGI-GPT-5, reduced to vaporware in a single month of increasingly damning releases.

I have observed that core to western cultural DNA is to shout "my god is better than your god", as is seen in the Old Testament Elijah's contest with Baal prophets. Anglos believe losing such an contest justifies the other people's slaughter. Here, Sam has built a cult to the dues ex machina. Just as the fire did not come when those prophets called out for Baal, GPT-5 has not come even as Sam calls out futilely for AGI.

To the Western subconscious mind, losing this contest in such an impotent manner indicates they are not the chosen people, and that like how they treated the Canaanites, their race will be annihilated.

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Junior Member
Registered Member
Why are SV AI bros so upset about this anyway? Is there some kind of secret win condition for AI in this real life 4X game that I'm not aware of? Does it trigger Kollektiv 2.0 or Human Instrumentality Project and solve all of America's problem or something?

The really fervent AI believers believe that AGI or ASI will lead to an exponential growth in human and technological capabilities due to self-iterating self-improvement, and therefore that the nation that first achieves this will reach the technological singularity and rocket ahead of all others to the point of dominating humanity forever. To the white supremacists, this prospect of non-whites being dominant for the rest of foreseeable human history is an existential threat and nightmare.