Debt interest payment is around a trillion dollars a year already, total tax revenue is like 5 trillion, out of that 1 trillion of interest payment has to be deducted first before you do anything else. It takes 8 trillion dollars a year to sustain US in its current state so half of that, 4 trillion comes in the form of additional debt.
Printing money at the scale to make interest payment less painful would result in hyperinflation, which is pretty much the same as default on your loan because you are basically making your money worthless. Even if you do that to make it technically not defaulting aren't nobody is going to lend you more money when your money is toilet paper. And if US doesn't get the 4 trillion a year in new debt then US won't be US anymore (can't maintain the military for one).
Donny is an alpha male, a strong man in politics, and just like his national policy, he always comes first!
Sometimes the debt burden is kinda overblown domestically and abroad. Couldn't they just increased once again the debt ceiling and money print their way out of it? Haha. Besides, Japan has it worse and they didn't collapsed into a black hole of shithole country of nothingness. The USA may remain stagnant or limped itself forwards but it ain't winning any more races unless it kneecaps everyone else.
Trump is doing right by USA the country if he cuts Ukraine and Israel loose and stops all military aid. To delay default any reduction in spending is welcome and wars are costly.I think people have trouble understanding the gravity of the situation because of the superstition regarding the U.S., or American exceptionalism. If you use sentiments, China would’ve been finished as soon as the tech war started due to the almost insurmountable gap (on the surface) with the U.S. Yet it persevered. Why?
This is why you need to apply materialist analysis, not your own opinions and feelings.
Trump is doing right by USA the country if he cuts Ukraine and Israel loose and stops all military aid. To delay default any reduction in spending is welcome and wars are costly.
Of course cutting Ukraine and Israel loose also means he's digging at the foundation of USA the global superpower's hegemony. If Ukraine falls to Russia who will still believe US military umbrella is worth anything?
He is gonna get JFK'd if he tries to cut Israel...Yes. You need to choose between America the Empire and America the Country, and I think the latter will do right for the citizens a lot more than the former. It is true that if the empire perishes then people can’t enjoy as cheap of imported goods, but the oligarchs have a hell of a lot to lose from it.
Which is why I think that they’ll defend it till the very bitter end, even at the expense to the people. The global oligarchy roosts in one place and one place only.