Miscellaneous News


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Given the current sex imbalance ratio, preference should be given to foreign wives of childbearing age (under 30 years); fertile females are as much a treasure of a nation as the blueprints for cutting edge technology, hence why the anglo led West went to such lengths to propagate to the world that anglo western males are the epitome of sexual desirability. This is why for the past 200 years, Asian females were the consolation prizes to otherwise involuntary celibate males of the West and why the mothers of eliot rogers end up going crazy and raising such eliot rogers types.

Pardon my french, but the american elites are going to regret fucking with China; does Trump and the rest of the anglo zionist regime think China's going to forget about "China Virus", Meng Wenzhou, Wang Wei, or the Embassy staff in Belgrade?

US CIA and USG Elites always seek to subvert a nation by influencing and corrupting the youth of a nation; let them see their own children become Chinese in heart and soul. But i must remark at the hubris of the anglo zionist elites in believing they could control China.
Anglo gonna find out Chinese actually very Revengful people with long memories.....


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Is this group funded by the CIA in some way? I find it hard to believe that they could make any real money as a financial/research firm independently with this kind of low IQ approach in the real world. This is not the first time I heard this kind of bullshit originating from them. For years, they also wrote that China's economy has been failing.
The Rhodium Group had better be very careful......they are treading on the bread and butter of Gordon Chang(being an American-he might just go "postal" on their rinky-dinky asses if Gordon loses too much income and has to sell his blood!!!


Registered Member
Who was it who said that the Chinese don't bluff?
An American? Yet the American leaders of today constantly get their bluffs called and have nothing solid when negotiating with China.
In terms of intelligence: Chinese > Jews >> Indians. That's why there's the saying no one except the Chinese can outjew a jew, and why Indians consistently fail to pull off anything sneaky
amazing how much IQ one loses by having religious superstition.
As soon as you said that I saw this, man they work fast.
It won't be a piece of cake for these women though, they'll be competing against Russians and Ukrainians for the foreign bride market and Chinese men don't tolerate some of the flaky BS i've seen american women do. Not unless these american women want to settle for middle aged to older Chinese bachelors in the rural countryside.
Anglo gonna find out Chinese actually very Revengful people with long memories.....

Chinese Speaking Hanfu Waifus, all is forgiven, just like the old days.
Anglo australians are the worse out of the five eyes given how close the island continent is to Asia, and how insecure a lot of anglo australians are about their identity. You have to remember that a lot of the HK riots were instigated and led by Australian intelligence at the behest of the CIA to say nothing of the remnant history of the white australia policy.


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The fact that Tiktok voluntarily shut down its US service a few hours before an enacted law says a lot, under the circumstances (1) it doesn't have to do so proactively; (2) its CEO is one of the five tech boys invited in Trump's inauguration; (3) Tiktok popup specifically calls out its pending plot with incoming Trump administration. I bet there was already a deal between the "concerned parties" that Tiktok will be back to the US under the Trump administration, and by so doing, Tiktok will be regarded as a pro-GOP social media along with twitter, all the while Chinese government is silent in the background. Chinese government is also uncharacteristically sophisticated in handling the XiaoHongShu situation.

In the coming days and weeks, my guess is that:
(1) Tiktok will resume its service in the US, while "concerned parties" start negotiating a long term solution under the bargaining table.
(2) Tiktok gen Zs will start tilting toward Trump admin which is good for its mid-term election in the near term.
(3) DNC will lose more young voters in the next four years.
(4) Trump 2.0 will relatively be more "friendly" toward China given the sign that Hang Zheng is attending the inauguration and Trump called Xi the day before.
(5) Trump 2.0 will likely be a de facto G2 show on the international stage.


Registered Member
The fact that Tiktok voluntarily shut down its US service a few hours before an enacted law says a lot, under the circumstances
Bytedance has a lot of products in the US not just tiktok. It couldn't shut down everything simultaneous at 11:59 pm. They shut things down in batches, an hour to go is already cutting it close considering its vendors didn't want to get sued and still have things to do on the backend.