Miscellaneous News


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At the rate they're banning new platforms will emerge at a speed far in excess of what their congress could manage.
Just like global geopolitical issues in general, nowadays. They are too many to manage for them, hence the comical responses.

in unrelated news, China should start contingency plans for welcoming a refugee/immigration surge from some totalitarian regimes. Vietnamese refugees were settled in Guangxi in the 1970s as that was very close to their home climate.

I think many refugees can be settled in Northeast China to help develop 北大荒. The climate is similar to Canada and midwestern US. Tough American farmers know how to make use of temperate grasslands. Also reduces the northeast demographic problems.
What if the Chosen People want refuge? Where will you settle them?

I’m surprised CNN is calling out falsehoods on Biden’s speech. Biden said the US won against China in Africa which CNN said was wrong.
They gotta preserve their own reputation too (which is already quite shit). Backing Biden at this point is just suicide, whatever industry you're in.

Should've underlined this as well,
Jewish name, meaning: spoils of war, loot


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View attachment 143326
View attachment 143327

American serviceman knows whats up. This is how the CCP gets all the leaks about Yoon's crazy plans before hand.

I've seen a bunch of stuff from other American serviceman on 小红书 too, I'm starting to understand how the previous F-35 drowning videos got leaked :)

We bouta make XHS into the Tiktok version of the War Thunder forum guys
