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The migration to Xiaohongshu is hilarious, but it makes me think that the whole idea of operating an app for international users exclusively is a little short sighted. Having Chinese apps run on Chinese servers, subject to Chinese content moderation, and open to international users might just be the way to go.
I mean the original idea is that China used to not have that many internet users vs the rest of the world, so it was important to create a home grown internet culture rather than risk being polluted by (cough wonder for example which nationality is most common on twitter besides Americans for example) outside mouths

Today the calculus is quite different.


Junior Member
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Could you image if the Great Firewall of china was take off man the Chinese would be trolling ever american social media app
the shit they would be saying to american politicians trolling level i wish china would take out the great firewall let the chinese go crazy


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Great post, I watched his videos previously, I was just about to write a post about his videos. I think one interesting thing was that Indians get hyper defensive about their country, you can smell the insecurities. He always puts fake edgy captions in his videos, but Indians get super offended in the comments. In comparison, the Chinese are just laughing at his weird comments. Indians are claiming he is badmouthing India on purpose cause he gets more views or something. Lmao, China is fighting haters armed with billions in propaganda budget on western platforms and still winning.

He has a video on this China trip on his side channel where he shares more thought. Some of them are clearly wrong and offensive, but I think Chinese people are tolerant to diverse opinions, cause Chinese people are proud and confident. This can't be said for the people belonging to the other 东大 country.

His videos about in India also raises some interesting point about the connection between hard power and soft power. In his latest Delhi video, he jokes about how superpowa is nuclear armed but still a shithole country, makes us question the priorities and whether getting nukes was worth it or not. I objectively think India under the governance of foreign superpowers would be a blessing for the local population, but even the British thought it wasn't worth it anymore. Indians developed nukes mostly to counter China, due to their resentment of China for the war in 1962, not because they lost, but because the Chinese thought they weren't worth colonizing.

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I think a lot of us have internalized this Chinese model of development and tries to apply this framework to other countries, even though Chinese/ML theories explicit says every country needs to find their own model of development. An example of this can be found in the discourse regarding India and its military generally along the lines of build nukes, self sufficient arms industry, lower corruption, domestic competition yada yada. This line of thinking is incorrect and not constructive for the world from an overarching perspective.

Why does India need nukes? Why does India need 6th gen fighters? Why does India need aircraft carriers? Why does India need a domestic semiconductor Industry? Answering because China has it is a terrible answer.
A spicy reply from the chinese equivalent of a Jai Hind!
The critics of the small brain american are very valid, although sometimes exaggerated to get some reaction out of the hypernationalists, we really need to do something about our inefficiency and corruption.
Your point about the "British rule being good for India" has been discussed and invalidated in great detail on various platforms. I would recommend starting from
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Regarding your point about India developing nukes because of china, then thats partly true.

And about china thinking that colonizing India was not worth it. Thats the kind of statement which i have seen the "Jai Hinds!" on my side making. start from
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. Also in 1962, China did not have the power to colonize India, you may disagree, but in 1962, none of the two nations had nukes and neither had the power necessary to "colonize each other". Both were still recovering from the British shenanigans.

Regarding your very last points, India can definitely learn a lot from other countries. Copying will not work as All countries have different socio-political situations and what worked for others might not workd for it. Every country needs to find and develop its own path. But, getting inspired ffrom each other should not be frowned upon. Denmark is the most gender equal country in the world and while denmarks whole socia-economic model might not work for others, others can get inspired by its achievements and do something similar to achieve it.

The very last points states that India developing all those high tech equipment just to copy and match china will be incorrect. The truth is that India WANTS to see itself as one of the Independent poles in the upcoming Multipolar world order (or) a Superpower. It can be seen as delusional and over-ambitious but for the sake of this arguement, this will be the answer to the question of "why is India developing so many advanced weapons"?


Registered Member
A spicy reply from the chinese equivalent of a Jai Hind!
And about china thinking that colonizing India was not worth it. Thats the kind of statement which i have seen the "Jai Hinds!" on my side making.
That's because I'm explaining the Indian perspectives behind the motives of why they made the bomb. Chinese people don't think like that, they would never want to colonize India both historically and now, that's why people don't understand Indians at all. This is literally my whole point about people using the wrong framework to approach different countries, including India.

If you don't understand something maybe don't rush to critique it? Like the Indians critiquing Small Brain American's content style and his fake translations. Do you see Chinese people making hate response videos to nitpick over this youtuber's misconceptions? No. Do you see Japanese people making hate response videos, equally no. His video titled "I rented a boyfriend in China's Biggest Ghost City", it's clearly not true but you don't see Chinese people attacking the vlogger over his sense of humour.

The very last points states that India developing all those high tech equipment just to copy and match china will be incorrect. The truth is that India WANTS to see itself as one of the Independent poles in the upcoming Multipolar world order (or) a Superpower. It can be seen as delusional and over-ambitious but for the sake of this arguement, this will be the answer to the question of "why is India developing so many advanced weapons"?
Can India not imagine a world where they are a great nation part of the multipolar world where they don't rely on advanced weapons to impose imperialist policies on their neighbours? According to Indians, India was great previously. Was India great previously cause they had the best military doctrines? Best weapons and armour? Highest value processed goods exported? Or was India great previously cause they had a great culture and exported influential religion and mathematics across the world?

Your point about the "British rule being good for India" has been discussed and invalidated in great detail on various platforms. I would recommend starting from
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Out of solidarity with the people oppressed by western imperialism I would generally agree with your points. This shared history between the Chinese people and the Indian people can also help develop and maintain friendly bonds between the two countries. However I will warn you, blaming other people will only get you so far, the costs of self-deception is borne by your population.
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That's because I'm explaining the Indian perspectives behind the motives of why they made the bomb. Chinese people don't think like that, and that's why people don't understand India. This is literally my whole point about people using the wrong framework to approach different countries, including India.

If you don't understand something maybe don't rush to critique it? Like the Indians critiquing Small Brain American's content style and his fake translations. Do you see Chinese people making hate response videos to nitpick over this youtuber's misconceptions? No. Do you see Japanese people making hate response videos, equally no. His video titled "I rented a boyfriend in China's Biggest Ghost City", it's clearly not true but you don't see Chinese people attacking the vlogger over his sense of humour.

Can India not imagine a world where they are a great nation part of the multipolar world where they don't rely on advanced weapons to impose imperialist policies on their neighbours? According to Indians, India was great previously. Was India great previously cause they had the best military doctrines? Best weapons and armour? Highest values processed goods exported? Or was India great previously cause they had a great culture and exported influential religion and mathematics across the world?
your first point is right. India did see a prominent threat from China thus went nuclear, but, I think you are well aware of history, We are a state time and time again invaded by foreign powers and the last colonizer, the Britishers, had left beraly 15 years ago. After the formation of an Independent Indian state, a possibility of being colnised again was taken seriously by few members of our
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. India did not build the bomb because CHINA built it, it built it because a neighboring state Built it which was much more powerful than us. Hence China just happens to be that state that was much more powerful. Would you risk getting colonized again, even if your neighbor WILL theoretically never will colonize you, given your history of being colnized. I know i won't.

your second point talks about the hypernationalists and i would advise you to speand your time at better places than trying to understand the mind of a Hypernationalist, especially young south asian ones.

Your last point banks too much on history. Mark twain said that "History Doesn't Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes"
Even this statement is not 100% correct, becuase if it were, We would all have been rightly predicting the upcoming events every single time. Are we able to do it tho? i dont think we do.
Just because India was never really a Military power does not mean that itcan never become one.
example is Rome. In its early centuries, Rome was a small city-state that was often overshadowed by more powerful civilizations around it, like Carthage and the Greek states. Yet over time, through strategic alliances, military innovation, and sheer determination, Rome grew to dominate the Mediterranean world and became one of the most formidable military empires in history. The early Republic was not a major military power, but by the time of the Empire, Rome was at the height of military prowess, lasting over a thousand years.

Prussia offers another example. In the 18th century, it was a relatively small, geographically limited state with no history of major military power. Yet through systematic reforms, strategic military leadership, and innovation, Prussia became the nucleus for the German Empire and one of the most powerful military forces in Europe by the 19th century. Its rise from a modest state into a military powerhouse took only a few hundred years, but it demonstrates how a nation can transform its military capabilities and regional influence.

Even India's own history offers lessons. During the ancient and medieval periods, India was not always unified in a military sense but saw periods of great military power, such as the Maurya Empire or the Mughal Empire. The Mughals, for example, transformed the Indian subcontinent with their military innovation and conquest, creating an empire that lasted for several centuries.

All of this does not mean that we are switching to being a nation known for its military rather than a nation known for its culture. We can do both and become like America today. It has the most dominant military and culture in the world as of today and I dont see any problem with this approach. We can agree to disagree on this topic.
Out of solidarity with the people oppressed by western imperialism I would generally agree with your points. This shared history between the Chinese people and the Indian people can also help develop and maintain friendly bonds between the two countries. However I will warn you, blaming other people will only get you so far, the costs of self-deception is borne by your population.
I agree with the sentiment that we should cooperate. Not only we, but the whole world should cooperate rather than fight.
Your last quote is like a movie or an anime quote, its not that serious dude. The online debate, blaming, shaming, joking, laughing, or anything other stuff does not have much effect on the day to day life of people and has literally no effect on the leaders leading their respective nations. Just becuase some nationalist said that his country will do this and that, does not mean that his country will do this and that. Chill out.


Registered Member
I just realized that Chinese libs are finished. They can’t claim that they know America better than real Americans… especially since most of them are illiterate in English.

Yeah, exactly.

That is what I always say about myself, that since I do not understand anything here, I am fresh off the boat.

These liberals are no different.

The Little Red Book, making a comeback, in Mercia!

