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I just realized. Is India the only place where stupid crap done for trolling is reported as national front page news? Some guy like Barry Stanton (free him btw) managed to make national headlines there too.


On National Television too.

Notice how the indian media and the indian society's reaction isn't one of honest reflection and a dialogue for why Indians are so unwelcome; rather, it's a loudmouthed screams of "racism!!", which whilst it may be true in some cases, largely ignores the long record of indian scamming and cheating and defecation on other societal norms and trust.

CEO is fuming that he didn’t get his payout. The Japanese offer for the company was 2x the share price when it was announced
Doesn't the man know that you can't put a price on white supremacy? Anything to assuage white anglo ego.

The Japanese should've tried being Norwegian or white and blonde, then Trump would've allowed it.
It's the Jai tradition as well, they expect US and the Anglo world to sacrifice their whole country fighting China up to mutual suicide with nukes just so millions of walking mouths can march into Tibet and the central plains in the aftermath and plunder what remains of the world's greatest civilization ever, since it's far beyond anything they can make at home.

Then when US ostentibly doesn't want to be used as a giant Ukraine by Indians that have zero tech, economy or military leverage over US, Indians throw a tantrum and start criticising local Americans as lazy, saying they need to be colonized more heavily by H1Bs so they can sufficiently obey the hindu reich.

All around sad people, them and Syrians alike. It's best to profit off them from a far distance and not involve with their inscrutable politics.
Look at how Russians spent blood and treasure in syria for over a decade, only for syrians to throw it all away.


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And yet at the same time they don't admit it. It is illogical thinking and cognitive dissonance. While sometimes admitting China may have some high tech stuff, they then try to "neutralize" it in their thinking (since "obviously" the Chinese couldn't have innovated) they have to rationalize as stolen from the West and not really understood so that the high tech stuff is still inferior to the West's high tech.

It is the classic thinking of the enemy being both too weak and therefore contemptible and too strong and therefore fear provoking, and then people using double-think to flip-flop as needed between whichever position is necessary to maintain their viewpoint of the enemy being bad.
That is true for a lot of Westerners, Americans in this case, to have that kind of mentality I can't wrap my head around. It is quite something to interact and converse with someone having two opposing and contradictory ideas to be twisted in a way that both are logically true. For them, China might as well be a schrodinger's cat of a country.

Regarding my previous post, it was referring to US nutjob's beliefs on China having the same level of esoteric tech advancements. Growing up exposed to mystery intrigue pseudoscience stuff on Discovery and Natgeo I kinda understand their mindset and poke fun at it. Maybe in their nutty pov (going tin-foilery here), neither US or China have stolen from each other or are originator of said tech but... ALIENS!!! Hahaha


Registered Member
That is true for a lot of Westerners, Americans in this case, to have that kind of mentality I can't wrap my head around. It is quite something to interact and converse with someone having two opposing and contradictory ideas to be twisted in a way that both are logically true. For them, China might as well be a schrodinger's cat of a country.
This type of thinking normally arises from duress, which is understandable since for their entire existence they have been taught that they are the no. 1 country, culture, race, etc. however they can see with their very own eyes that Chinese are more effective than they are, at everything.

I'd just like to add an observation that western fantasy needs made-up orcs to be the lesser race, whilst Chinese games have actual barbarians playing that role. The reason is that western countries arose from barbarian tribes themselves, an identity that they all understand deep down, but hate.
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I'm angrier at @pmc flaccid arabic soft power doing nothing
I have written so much on this topic that by now you should have good understanding. It is highly unlikely Arabic soft power will deployed against Israel and you can even include India where Modi recently received medal from Kuwait.
i think gulf monarchies have realized that Islam is not compatible with every culture and race and they certainly have done some classification considering the modern surveillance tech they deploy, wealth and partnerships spanning decades globally. so if some one is not well received in Mecca than highly likely this the reason. there is no hard and fast rule. There are only two countries in the world that has the support of Arabic Soft Power and there is reason to take this pics from such angle.



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USSC CEO on Biden's order refusing sale to Nippon Steel:

All this proves is that companies should not be allowed to have a country name.
No US <insert industry name>.

No American <insert whatever here>

If US Steel was named literally anything else except US Steel, this would have passed through. ah yes, same for Nippon Steel lol


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An Indian economic commentator is putting out some harsh truths about India's economy.

He says that not counting the top 10% wealthy elites and middle income population in India, the true health of the Indian economy is exposed. He reveals that the lower 90% of India have a lower GDP per Capita, and half the Gross National Income (GNI) of Sub-Saharan Africa, the supposed poorest region on Earth.

Worse for India, the economic hardships are only gonna get worse. FDI is fleeing India. Decline in urban job opportunities and low overall education levels have forced the majority of the workforce to return to agriculture. Then the white collars are gonna be in trouble soon when AI starts to takeover their lower-skilled jobs. India is missing out on AI and automation revolution, and they are gonna get into serious trouble soon.

I just cannot sympathize with India's predicament. This is all willingly self-inflicted. The elites are loincloth imperialists and arrogant idiots. The middle class is filled with scammers, H1Bs, and Jai Hinds. And most of the lower class is regressing into the Middle Ages. All of them keep voting for Modi and the BJP. India is moving backwards, and perhaps that is actually good for the rest of Asia. Those loincloth imperialists cannot he trusted with strong national power.
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