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there's a positive soft power thread.

I don't think hostile and racist propaganda is necessary to be tracked, as their stories change literally by the hour and are sometimes self conflicting on the same timescales. Can't beat something not rooted in logic with reason.
I do agree with you. However, it is always good to keep track of the sources of information out there. Tracing organisation, its affliations and connections is less of "tracking propaganda stories with no logic" but more of identifying the whole propaganda structure out there, which is tangibly and factually present, and is imo not sth to be dismissed.

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this for instance, although outdated by at least 4 years, is a good way of understanding what is out there and what we are dealing with. ignorance is not good. this is more for awareness.


Registered Member
I do agree with you. However, it is always good to keep track of the sources of information out there. Tracing organisation, its affliations and connections is less of "tracking propaganda stories with no logic" but more of identifying the whole propaganda structure out there, which is tangibly and factually present, and is imo not sth to be dismissed.

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this for instance, although outdated by at least 4 years, is a good way of understanding what is out there and what we are dealing with. ignorance is not good. this is more for awareness.
Great diagram, you got more like this?


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An Indian economic commentator is putting out some harsh truths about India's economy.

He says that not counting the top 10% wealthy elites and middle income population in India, the true health of the Indian economy is exposed. He reveals that the lower 90% of India have a lower GDP per Capita, and half the Gross National Income (GNI) of Sub-Saharan Africa, the supposed poorest region on Earth.

Worse for India, the economic hardships are only gonna get worse. FDI is fleeing India. Decline in urban job opportunities and low overall education levels have forced the majority of the workforce to return to agriculture. Then the white collars are gonna be in trouble soon when AI starts to takeover their lower-skilled jobs. India is missing out on AI and automation revolution, and they are gonna get into serious trouble soon.

I just cannot sympathize with India's predicament. This is all willingly self-inflicted. The elites are loincloth imperialists and arrogant idiots. The middle class is filled with scammers, H1Bs, and Jai Hinds. And most of the lower class is regressing into the Middle Ages. All of them keep voting for Modi and the BJP. India is moving backwards, and perhaps that is actually good for the rest of Asia. Those loincloth imperialists cannot he trusted with strong national power.
ISTR reading somewhere that India is likely to be one of the countries worst affected by climate change as well.

Edit: India suffered badly from heat waves last summer IIRC.
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That is true for a lot of Westerners, Americans in this case, to have that kind of mentality I can't wrap my head around. It is quite something to interact and converse with someone having two opposing and contradictory ideas to be twisted in a way that both are logically true. For them, China might as well be a schrodinger's cat of a country.

Regarding my previous post, it was referring to US nutjob's beliefs on China having the same level of esoteric tech advancements. Growing up exposed to mystery intrigue pseudoscience stuff on Discovery and Natgeo I kinda understand their mindset and poke fun at it. Maybe in their nutty pov (going tin-foilery here), neither US or China have stolen from each other or are originator of said tech but... ALIENS!!! Hahaha
Its easy to explain using logic trap wheres A explains B explains C explains D which explains A, all floating in mid-air based on implicit false axioms. The west spent almost 2,000 years in a faith based theocracy that makes regular use of logic traps to justify itself, the entire field of theology is basically an exercise in trap traversal, rejection of critical thinking is deeply embedded in western culture and we're simply witnessing regression to the norm.


Registered Member
ISTR reading somewhere that India is likely to be one of the countries worst affected by climate change as well.

Edit: India suffered badly from heat waves last summer IIRC.

The Himalayas mountains block the cooler northern winds. So India (and everyone else directly south of the mountains) will only be getting hotter and hotter as the climate keeps warming. Combined with bad infrastructure with water scarcity. India wanting to be a replacement for China industrial capabilities is a pipe dream.


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PM Modi’s gift of a diamond worth Rs 17 lakh...was it necessary?​

The diamond to outgoing US first lady Jill Biden was the most expensive gift received during the year by the Presidential couple​

Any gift costing more than US $480 or approximately Rs 41,000 is to be declared by government officials in the United States, according to federal law. The more expensive gifts are transferred to the national archives or put on official display. So what made Prime Minister Narendra Modi gift outgoing first lady Jill Biden a diamond worth approximately US $20,000 (Rs 17 lakh) and more?

While news agencies reported that the diamond was the most expensive gift received during 2023 by the US President and first lady, the question really is if it helped in promoting India’s interest. Significantly, US audit had reportedly found that the Indian prime minister had presented gifts worth US $50,000 "to the Trumps", which were not declared by the Trump White House. The gifts were presented during President Donald Trump’s first term in office between 2017 and 2020.

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Diamond gifted to Jill Biden would cost less than Rs 2 lakh: MEA sources​

NEW DELHI: Official sources have questioned the valuation of the diamond gifted by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Jill Biden, wife of US President Joe Biden.
MEA sources pointed out that the 7.5-carat diamond the PM gifted to Jill Biden was grown in a lab which is much cheaper than natural ones.

So, despite great effort by
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in Washington, it seems that Prime Minister Modi has not been invited by Trump team to Trump inauguration on Jan 20. I am not surprised. In Sept 2024, Modi went to US to attend Quad summit in DC & to address the 'Summit of the Future' in New York. Trump who was on his election campaign near NY told his audience that Modi will attend his rally. Modi did not do that on
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team advice as it was assessed that Trump will not win.

I'm starting to think those Indian IQ memes are real.